Myanmar junta’s confiscation of food, medicine leaves Kayah state residents at risk

Soldiers are aggressively patrolling checkpoints along major roadways for the goods.

Residents and internally displaced persons in Myanmar’s war-torn Kayah state are facing a humanitarian emergency as junta forces confiscate food and medicine at dozens of security checkpoints along major land routes in the southeastern state as fighting there intensifies, local sources said.  

Armed conflict between Myanmar troops and popular militia forces have displaced nearly half of the population of about 450,000 people in Kayah state, a hotbed of resistance to the ruling military regime, which seized power from the elected government two years ago, and has been placed under martial law.

Since May 2021, junta soldiers have heavily shelled residential areas they suspect of harboring resistance fighters, according to a February report issued by ethnic Karenni civil society organizations. The fighting has destroyed roughly 1,200 houses in 87 villages, and displaced 180,000 people, or 40% of the population.

Without adequate supplies of food and medicine, the IDPs, especially children and the elderly, are becoming malnourished and are suffering from subsequent health problems, such as diarrhea, residents and aid workers said.

Humanitarian groups no longer can provide food and medicine to displaced residents because of the junta’s confiscations at road checkpoints, said Helen, an aid worker.

“We can barely provide enough medicine for hospitals and clinics,” she said. “The problem is that no one can transport the supplies in this situation. The transportation is too difficult for us to receive them here.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR, tried to provide emergency relief supplies to more than 25,000 IDPs in Loikaw and Demoso townships in early June 2022, but it failed to reach all of them because of aggressive security checkpoints and confiscations,  Banyar said.

Soldiers are stopping all cars and motorcycles passing through the nearly 40 checkpoints along central roads and intersections in the state, most of which are in the capital Loikaw, residents said. They are aggressively patrolling roads into and out of Demoso township and Pekon township in adjacent southern Shan state.

Junta forces have been checking vehicles transporting food staples, including rice, salt and cooking oil, at the checkpoints since they were set up in early 2022, said Banyar, director of the Karenni Human Rights Group.

“The junta’s strategic hills sit along the highway connecting us to the town of Taungoo on the west side of Demoso,” he told RFA. “The checkpoints are located on those strategic hills, and in Leiktho village. There is also one checkpoint between Leiktho and Yartho villages. Those are the major checkpoints that are heavily searched.”

Junta soldiers could be taking food, medicine and money that they suspect are going to local resistance forces, said El Ni, a displaced person from Demoso township. 

But instead, their actions are threatening the survival of the IDPs, he added.

“They block roads, assign more checkpoints and restrict the transportation of everything, with a security excuse of suspecting that the supplies are for the KNDF,” El Ni said, referring to the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force, a network of civilian resistance fighters, Karenni organizations and armed groups in Kayah state.

El Ni and other IDPs received donations of rice, oil, salt, beans, eggs and instant noodles in the years before the checkpoints, though afterward they were lucky if they got rice once a month, he said. 

“In that way, I think they are cutting the food and supplies for the IDPs in the state,” he said. “As we are IDPs, we cannot work. We have to rely on the donations of well-wishers for our survival. The junta’s cutting off of our donation supply lines is its way of killing us all.”

One female IDP who gave her name as Naw, said police at a checkpoint confiscated the money and food she had got in Pekon as she made her way back home.

“There is no safety here,” she told RFA. “[Soldiers at] security checkpoints search too strictly with no regard for civilians or IDPs. There is no rule of law either. They just do as they please in many situations.”

In the two years since the military coup, most IDP children have not received regular vaccinations, said an official from the Moebye Emergency Rescue Team.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, some children died due to lack of medicine and health care, he told RFA. 

About 20 ethnic Karenni children sheltering in an IDP camp in Pekon’s Buu Pyar village suffered from diarrhea in the second week of February, and one of them, a seven-month-old, died on Feb. 14 because of the lack of food and medicine, residents said. Two adults also came down with diarrhea.

RFA could not reach Aung Win Oo, junta spokesman and social affairs minister for Kayah state, for comment.

RFA News

Political prisoners barred from testifying at Mandalay’s Obo Prison court

Deprivation of due process rights is the latest in a series of abuses endured by the detainees

Sources close to Obo Prison have claimed political prisoners are no longer permitted to give testimony or attend hearings at the facility’s junta-controlled court as of Tuesday. 

A Mandalay-based lawyer commented that the restriction was imposed in order to hinder investigations into events inside the prison, including a recent case that involved prison authorities reportedly beating female prisoners en masse.

“Their main goal is to cut off all connections to the inside of the prison. Prisoners were usually required to testify at the prison court when they received summons in the past, and were allowed to see their relatives and associates from the outside [while in court]. That won’t be possible anymore,” said the lawyer, who asked that his name be withheld.

He added that the suspension of court testimony had not been imposed by the court’s judge, but by the prison administration. According to the terms of the suspension, any prisoner required to testify in court must do so through an online conferencing system.

Sources close to the Mandalay courthouse also imparted that this suspension of court testimony would remain in effect indefinitely, which could cause major delays in court proceedings.

A letter secretly sent from inside the prison to Mandalay-based resistance forces last week described the oppressive conditions that the political prisoners faced inside, listing dozens victims by name, according to a local activist who received it.

The letter, written in blue ink on notebook paper, claimed prison authorities had beaten and tortured female political prisoners for two consecutive days in a crackdown following unrest in the women’s wards in the first week of February. 

According to the letter, authorities hit female prisoners with slingshots and wooden and metal bats, sometimes with tasers attached. 

Those in Mandalay’s activist circles speculated that at least three of the prisoners were critically injured and many more placed in solitary confinement or starved as punishment. 

The suspension of court testimony is consistent with other measures taken by prison authorities to restrict the flow of information to and from inmates. Authorities have consistently taken extreme measures to isolate Obo prisoners from associates on the outside, according to sources close to those detained in the facility.  

Among other limitations on inmates’ communications, visits have not been allowed at the Obo Prison since 2020, nominally for pandemic control purposes. 

Myanmar Now has not been able to verify claims about conditions in the prison independently.

As of mid-February, a total of 15,745 people have been detained by the military since the 2021 coup, of whom 4,194 have been sentenced, according to data from the monitoring group the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP). More than 4,000 of those arrested by the junta in Myanmar during this period have been women. 

Myanmar Now News

“We Cannot Move Freely”

The Impacts of Martial Law on Civilians in Southeastern Burma

Since the attempted coup on 1 February 2021 in Burma, clashes between the military junta and armed opposition groups have increased across the country. In Southeastern townships and villages, the frequency of the fighting has displaced thousands and led to mass instability. The Karen and Mon armed groups are battling the junta in an ongoing bid for ethnic autonomy that has been amassed for decades.
While fighting occurs, civilians are forced to confront widespread horrors. They are unable to work or travel safely which has impeded their fundamental human rights, including freedom of movement. The current circumstances have led to desolate conditions for civilians who are significantly impacted by the toll of the conflict.
On February 2, 2023, the military junta called a National Defense and Security Council meeting and declared that ‘absolute power’ was granted to the Commander-in-Chief for the next six months.
As of February 3, 2023, the Burma Army had issued Martial Law in 37 of the 330 townships across the country, including Tanintharyi Region, five townships of Bago Region, Ye Township of Mon State, Kyainseikgyi and Kawkareik townships in Karen State.
In Ye, Kyaik Hto and Bilin Townships of Mon State, Martial Law has been in effect for nearly two years.
“Before declaring Martial Law in our region [Ye Township], the junta arbitrarily arrested people. They beat innocent civilians and seized their motorbikes. They even killed villagers. But now they’ve declared Martial Law, so there will be more human rights violations,” said a member of Ye Township’s Mon Unity Party (MUP). The military’s South East Command is now controlling the whole township in the southern part of Mon State.

Human Rights Situation weekly update (February 8 to 14, 2023)

From February 2 to 7, the Military junta beheaded two civilians from Demoso, Kayah state, and Monywa, Sagaing region. On first January, the military junta arrested two civilians from Mayangone, Yangon, one from Sagaing for taking records and photos of the Silent Strike Protest. They also arrested some civilians from Naypyidaw for sharing about the Revolution on Social Media. Political prisoners from Yangon Insein Prison and Mandalay O-bo Prison got beaten and brutally tortured.

Girl, 7, among three injured by junta shelling in southern Sagaing

The child lost her left eye after regime soldiers fired at least five times on her home village in Myinmu Township on Sunday

A seven-year-old girl and two others were seriously injured when junta forces fired heavy artillery at a village in southern Sagaing Region’s Myinmu Township on Sunday, according to local sources.

The incident occurred in Gon Nyin Seik, a village located on the western bank of the Mu River near neighbouring Sagaing Township.

Junta forces stationed in the Sagaing Township village of Kywel Pon fired at least five 102mm artillery shells at Gon Nyin Seik, sources there said.

Ei Ei Chun, the seven-year-old victim, was blinded in her left eye, while another person, identified as Su Maw Zaw, 25, was said to be in critical conditional after being hit in the back, a local resident told Myanmar Now.

“We still don’t know the name of the third person. I heard he was injured when a shell fell on his house in the southern part of Gon Nyin Seik,” said the local, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Ei Ei Chun, 7, lost her left eye after being injured by heavy artillery fired by junta forces on February 12 (Supplied)

Ei Ei Chun, 7, lost her left eye after being injured by heavy artillery fired by junta forces on February 12 (Supplied)

Residents of the area speculated that the target of the attack was a wedding ceremony being held in Gon Nyin Seik on Sunday morning.

“People are saying that the military heard that some resistance leaders would be attending a wedding in the village and decided to try hitting them,” said one local.

However, there were reports that other villages in the area also came under fire.

A serious clash reportedly broke out later the same day after anti-regime groups ambushed junta forces in Kywel Pon, which also has a large contingent of military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia members.

The soldiers based in Kywel Pon are from Light Infantry Division 33 and are known to frequently raid villages in the area together with the Pyu Saw Htee forces.

On February 6, Pyu Saw Htee members from Kywel Pon shot at three men working at a mango plantation on the bank of the Mu River, killing a 44-year-old man named Win Aung, sources there claimed. The other two men managed to escape without injury.

There were also reports that a 60-year-old man named Paw Htay from the village of Yin Ma Kyin was recently tortured and killed by Pyu Saw Htee members from Kywel Pon.

Resistance forces based in Myinmu say the military appears to be attempting to strengthen its hold over Sagaing Township, which is a regional gateway to Mandalay, ahead of elections planned for later this year.

Kywel Pon, which is located in the western part of the township, also came under attack from resistance forces on January 13.

Myanmar Now News

Five years added to prison sentence of former ABFSU leader

The additional sentence stems from false charges of terrorism, according to the wife of detained activist Lin Htet Naing

A court in Yangon’s Botahtaung Township sentenced Lin Htet Naing, a former leader of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU), to an additional five years in prison on Monday,   according to his wife.

The former student leader, who is better known as James in the activist community, received the sentence under Section 52b of Myanmar’s Counter-Terrorism Law, his wife, fellow activist Phyo Phyo Aung, told Myanmar Now.

“By adding more years to his sentence, the military council is not only systematically and politically oppressing a democratic activist, but also fabricating fake cases to charge him with terrorism,” she said.

She added that she still didn’t know if he would have to do hard labour or if time served would be deducted from his sentence.

Lin Htet Naing was arrested in Botahtaung Township in June of last year and later charged with incitement under Section 505a of the Penal Code.

On December 7, a prison court based in Yangon’s Kyauktada Township found him guilty of that charge and sentenced him to three years in prison.

The former ABFSU vice president was first imprisoned in 2008 after being arrested for his involvement in the monk-led Saffron Revolution of the previous year.

Following his release in 2011, he resumed his political activities, and was later handed six-month sentences in 2015 and 20202, with the latter ending just days before the military coup in February 2021.

On October 19 of last year, his mother, Kyi Kyi Myint, was among eight people killed when an explosive went off inside a reception area in Insein Prison, where Lin Htet Naing was being held.

Kyi Kyi Myint, who was known to many of her son’s activist friends as “Amay Kyi,” or Mother Kyi, was bringing him food at the time of the incident.

According to the latest figures compiled by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a total of 15,117 people are currently being detained by Myanmar’s military, of whom 3,713 have been sentenced.

Myanmar Now News