Chin State Town Blames Myanmar Junta for Arson Attacks

Thantlang, a mountain-top town in Chin State, has suffered from eight fires and lost around 254 houses in two months, according to residents, who blame Myanmar’s military.

The latest fire broke out on Wednesday after junta troops shelled the town following clashes with the Chinland Defense Force (CDF) resistance group.

The regime claimed that 30 houses, a shop and church were destroyed by resistance attacks on Wednesday.

Around 36 houses in a ward burned down and then 10 more houses caught fire when another fire broke out in the same ward hours later after fighting had ceased. Three houses burned down in another ward.

A civilian resistance fighter from the CDF in Thantlang said junta soldiers were responsible for the fire that broke out after shooting ceased in the evening.

“The sounds of gunshots and shelling had stopped. I am sure it was arson. They have committed arson several times. It seems that they torch anywhere they think we have been firing from. They want to make their targets clear. They want to blame us for the fires,” said a CDF member.

Since Sept. 9, Thantlang has lost around 254 houses in eight fires, which have been blamed on junta shelling.

More than 160 houses out of around 2,000 homes in Thantlang burned down after junta artillery strikes on Oct. 29. The fires raged until the following day morning.

Junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun disputed the allegations as “groundless” and accused resistance groups of setting fire to the houses.

The majority of Thantlang’s population have left the town due to earlier artillery strikes. At least 70 junta troops are deployed in the town.

A house burned down during a junta artillery strike on Sept. 9 following fighting with resistance groups. Nineteen more houses burned down during shelling on Sept. 18, 164 on Oct. 29, 9 on Nov. 6, two on Nov. 9, seven on Nov. 10 and three on Nov. 11.

“The military is supposed to protect the lives and property of the people. But it is doing the opposite. It is a terrorist army being exploited by a small group,” said a Thantlang resident whose house burned down.

“The resistance fighters consider everything and try to minimize the impact on people and their property if they fight. But Min Aung Hlaing’s troops are different. When they suffer heavy casualties, they steal and destroy houses. They open fire at random without mercy. They have no regard for civilians,” added the resident.

A Chin pastor was shot dead and troops cut off his finger for his wedding ring during fighting with resistance forces in Thantlang on Sept. 18.

Chin State has been seen some of the heaviest resistance to the regime since the Feb. 1 coup. Clashes broke out between junta troops and the CDF in Thantlang on August 20.

Irrawaddy News

Democracy Derailed in Myanmar

How the military junta has curtailed attempts for democratic reform in Myanmar

Myanmar has been embroiled in decades of internal warfare in which the military junta has adopted strategies in an attempt to harness control over the civilian population. The Myanmar Generals maintained power from 1962 until 2011 and frequently deployed violent actions meant to weaken local resistance movements and to assert their dominance over ethnic populations. Even when the National League for Democracy (NLD) was elected in 2015, the military struggled to share power with the civilian government, and regularly committed human rights violations. Despite moments of international condemnation, the Myanmar junta has largely evaded accountability for their crimes.

The military-drafted 2008 Constitution has contributed to their merciless authority which regularly provided amnesty to soldiers who committed endless crimes against civilians. Many of those in power today are longstanding Commanders in the Myanmar military. Their reign, which has spanned seven decades, has prevented any meaningful pathways for transitional justice for the thousands who have been killed and injured in the Tatmadaw’s pursuit for power.

Following years of authoritarian rule under the Myanmar junta, in 2015 the NLD won in a resounding landslide against the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). NLD leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, was victorious after years of house arrest and unyielding attacks on her party’s members. The transition to democracy under a quasi-civilian government was slow but steady. It was challenging to advance and reform meaningful legislation due to the junta’s effective veto power, with 25 percent of Myanmar’s parliament seats reserved for unelected military Members of Parliament.

New Briefer from the Network for Human Rights Documentation-Burma Condemns Ongoing Attacks Against Innocent Civilians in Myanmar

New Briefer from the Network for Human Rights Documentation-Burma Condemns Ongoing Attacks Against Innocent Civilians in Myanmar

For Immediate Release

DATE: 24 November 2021

Civilians in Myanmar have unjustly been subjected to systematic human rights violations perpetrated by the military junta for decades. A new briefing paper by the Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND-Burma), “Democracy Derailed in Myanmar,” details how the junta has curtailed attempts for democratic reform in Myanmar.

A failed attempt at seizing control of the country by the Myanmar military on 1 February 2021 has left the country in desperate need of humanitarian assistance alongside worsening economic and social crises. With over 3 million civilians lacking critical life-saving materials including food, water and shelter in the midst of raging internal conflict, the Myanmar Generals have effectively left the most vulnerable in oblivion. Villages under martial-law, amid sweeping restrictions on movement and access to information, has made basic survival a daily challenge.

Among ND-Burma’s findings, ongoing conflict in urban and rural areas, as well as the suppression of fundamental freedoms, including that of the press, and the mishandled COVID-19 response has led to the conclusion that the junta is on a war-path which includes the destruction and annihilation of anyone or anything that stands in their way. Using evidence collected by ND-Burma members including the Chin Human Rights Organization and the Human Rights Foundation of Monland, and desk-research, it is abundantly clear that long held impunity is emboldening the junta to commit state-wide atrocities.

Any government which uses violence to suppress basic rights and freedoms must be condemned in the harshest possible terms. It is unacceptable that civilians are fearing for their lives in the midst of a brutal, militarized civil war. Longstanding calls for their protection must be heard, and freedom of expression must not be used to derail civilian rights.

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For more information:

ND-Burma is a network that consists of 13-member organisations who represent a range of ethnic nationalities, women and former political prisoners. ND-Burma member organisations have been documenting human rights abuses and fighting for justice for victims since 2004. The network consists of nine Full Members and four Affiliate Members as follows:


Full Members:

  1. All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress 
  2. Assistance Association for Political Prisoners
  3. Association Human Rights Defenders and Promoters 
  4. Future Light Center 
  5. Human Rights Foundation of Monland
  6. Kachin Women’s Association – Thailand
  7. Ta’ang Women’s Organization
  8. Ta’ang Students and Youth Union
  9. Tavoyan Women’s Union 


 Affiliate Members:

  1. Chin Human Rights Organization
  2. East Bago – Former Political Prisoners Network
  3. Pa-O Youth Organization
  4. Progressive Voice

Weekly Update on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar: Post-Coup (November 15- 21)2021

After nearly six months in detention, detained US journalist Danny Fenster was released by the military junta through the help of negotiations between former US Diplomat, Bill Richardson under terms which remain undisclosed. Days before, on 12 November the same authorities who deported him, also sentenced Danny to 11 years in prison on violations of immigration and unlawful associations laws. The severity of the sentencing was called ‘baseless,’ ‘unjust,’  and ‘the harshest possible under the law,’ by Danny’s employer, Frontier Myanmar. His release comes after months of trials within the prison and endless calls for all journalists and political prisoners to be freed – none of whom should have ever been imprisoned to begin with.

Danny was taken away by security forces on 24 May while waiting to board a flight home when he was arrested based on false allegations that was working for Myanmar media outlet, Myanmar Now. His detainment and subsequent release highlights the injustices that the military junta has taken to suppress free speech and press freedom. Since his release, Danny has said he is committed to highlighting the plight of the dozens of remaining journalists behind bars and pledged to advocate for their freedom. They too are facing outlandish charges and face the possibility of long jail sentences.

While news of his release was overwhelmingly welcomed, it is nonetheless critical that Burmese press, human rights activists and civilians who have been unjustly imprisoned are also granted amnesties and negotiations on their behalf to ensure their freedom is granted.

The junta has taken significant steps to have a stronghold on media outlets across Myanmar as it attempts to eliminate an environment of the free press altogether.  Since February, the media has been warned to not call the attempted coup as such. Journalists were arrested while documenting peaceful protests, which forced dozens into hiding. Many still remain on the wanted lists of the junta, and their families are targeted by being taken hostage. The worrying situation and declining media landscape has been compared globally as among the worst in the world.

It is with the utmost urgency that the stronghold on the press in Myanmar is relinquished and that all efforts are made to ensure the freedom of journalists unjustly behind bars. As a hallmark to any democratic society, free press is a guiding principle which the junta has outright discouraged and actively disbanded. The path the junta has taken is on a dangerous course which must be reversed, or further risk a deterioration of media values and even more dangerous space for journalists. It is therefore imperative that the country be under civilian control to restore the dignity and integrity of muted professions by the Myanmar military.


The military junta has been accused of raping two women in Chin State while raiding a village in Tedim township. A 27-year old victim was raped in front of her husband who was held at gunpoint, according to residents. She had only recently had a baby. Later that night, the woman’s pregnant sister in law was also raped. Thin Yu Mon, the director of the Chin Human Rights Organization, called the incident “disgusting and extremely inhumane.”

Offensives by the military junta and increased presence of soldiers are dangerous for civilians. Yanghee Lee of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar stated: “Junta forces in Chin State have plundered rice stocks, destroyed farms and killed livestock in an attempt to starve the local population. Across northwest Myanmar people are in urgent need of food and medical aid.”


An escalation in fighting in Karen State has local civilians worried for their safety. According to the Karen National Union (KNU), since the beginning of November, 32 Myanmar junta soldiers were killed, and 56 wounded in clashes. The KNU has stated that the increase in fighting is due to the ongoing expanding military operations of the military junta who are taking advantage of the coming dry season to transport their supply of food and ammunition.

According to a KNU news release, five armed clashes took place on 11th November between local KNLA soldiers and Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion 406, under the Military Operations Command 8, stationed in the Ma Htaw Village tract, Dwe Lo Township, Mutraw District.


The military junta set fire to more than three dozen homes in a village in Pekon Township, southern Shan State. Officers from the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force noted that many homes were torched intentionally by the regime. Following the destruction of properties, local villagers fled once the regime set up their base in the area. In addition to homes, a church was also damaged by shelling.

A new flash report, “Access Denied,” released by Fortify Rights analyzed the atrocities being committed against innocent civilians by the junta in Kayah State, including the blocking of life-saving aid. According to accounts in the report, human rights violations have been escalating including torture, raids and scorching of villages. Aid workers had also been targeted as arbitrary arrests continued.

Military seizes body of Mogok youth killed by sniper

The victim was shot in the Mandalay Region town during a clash between the military and local resistance forces 

The body of a young man who was shot dead by the military in Mogok last Thursday was taken away by his killers before his family could claim it, according to local sources.

Wai Yan Aung, 19, was hit by a sniper bullet during a clash between regime soldiers and the Padamya Myay People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Mogok’s Mintada ward, a resident of the town in Mandalay Region told Myanmar Now.

“He was just hanging out with some other kids. He heard some gunshots, and as he was running away, a sniper shot him in the chest,” said the Mogok local, who did not want to be named.

“He died on the way to the hospital and the military came to collect his body. His family didn’t even get to bury him,” the man added.

The incident occurred near the Singtaung Kyaung Pagoda Hill, in Mogok’s Mintada ward, at around 7pm on Thursday, the Padamya Myay PDF said in a statement released the next day.

The group said that it carried out a series of attacks around Mogok that night, killing an unspecified number of regime forces.

According to a member of the Padamya Myay PDF, Wai Yan Aung was killed during a clash at Mogok’s Electric Power Corporation (EPC) office.

“There were at least four casualties on the junta’s side during the attack on the EPC office in Mintada,” he added.

Also targeted were the town’s central police station, a jail in South Kachin ward, a police outpost in Kyauk Phar ward, and a military outpost in the Ngayantinn area.

“There were also a great number of casualties during the attack in Ngayantinn,” said the PDF member.

Almost all of the shops in Mogok were closed in the wake of the attacks, and security was tightened at all exits and entrances to the town, local residents told Myanmar Now.

According to the Padamya Myay PDF, a clash at the Ngayantinn outpost on November 14 left five junta soldiers dead. Another mine attack near the village of Nannwet in Mogok Township killed at least 15, the group said.

The military council has not released any statement regarding the situation in Mogok.

Myanmar Now News

Reporters from Rakhine-based Western News forced into hiding by junta

The outlet’s editor-in-chief has vowed to continue publishing stories despite an attempt by soldiers to raid its offices last week

Several journalists from Western News, a media outlet based in the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, have gone into hiding after soldiers and police tried to locate their office for a raid last week, the publication’s chief editor has said.

Wunna Khwar Nyo told Myanmar Now that junta personnel travelled around Sittwe in five police and military vehicles on Friday evening looking for the location of the Western News office.

“They questioned people in the neighbourhood regarding our location so that they could raid us. All of the people from our office have been forced into hiding now,” said Wunna Khwar Nyo. The junta forces have so far been unable to locate the office, he added.

At least ten of the outlet’s journalists are now in hiding. It is unclear if authorities have filed any charges against them.

Friday marked the seventh anniversary of a Myanmar military attack on a rebel base in Laiza, Kachin State, that killed 23 cadets including eight members of the Arakan Army (AA).

Wunna Khwar Nyo suggested a Western News report about an event in Sittwe to mark the anniversary is the reason the outlet was targeted. The outlet has been subjected to intimidation by junta authorities before, he added.

In June the news team was summoned by the ministry of border affairs and security and told the junta did not like to be referred to as the military council and disliked the outlet’s coverage of rights abuses in Rakhine, he said.

“We didn’t stop writing news after the warning. I think they were holding a grudge against us for that,” Wunna Khwar Nyo said. The outlet will continue to publish stories even though its journalists are in hiding, he added.

Earlier this year the junta filed charges against the editor-in-charge and a reporter from the Rakhine-based Development Media Group. The outlet’s editor-in-chief, Aung Min Oo, is facing charges from 2019 but like his colleagues has so far evaded arrest.

The military council has revoked the publishing licenses of nine media outlets, including Myanmar Now, since seizing power in the February 1 coup.

More than 50 journalists remain in junta custody, according to Detained Journalists Information Myanmar.

Myanmar Now News