Rape: The Burma Army’s unpunished weapon of war

In October 2016, amid renewed violence in Rakhine state, it was reported that “dozens” of women had been raped by Burma/Myanmar army soldiers. The story shocked international media and Read more

Seeking Reparations for victims of human rights violations in Myanmar: Workshop

21 – 22 November, 2016, Chaung Thar beach

ND-Burma and its partner organisations held a workshop to discuss ways of ensuring victims of human rights violations in Myanmar receive reparations for the abuses they have suffered.

30 participants from ND-Burma member organisations and its partners took part in the workshop. This included the Karen Human Rights Group, 88 Generation and Open Society, Future Light Centre, Genuine People’s Servants, Former Political Prisoners Society, Open Myanmar Initiative and Wimutti Volunteer Group.

Members discussed current human rights and democracy developments in Myanmar, including the peace process and 21st Panglong conference, and how to put the issue of reparations for human rights violations on the agenda as the country moves forward.

The workshop was supported by Asia Justice and Rights – AJAR.

A Far Cry From Peace: Ongoing Burma Army Offensives and Abuses in Northern Burma Under the NLD Government

This report provides an update of the security situation in Kachin areas of northern Burma during the past year, since the November 2015 elections.

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Kachin women expose ongoing Burma Army abuses under NLD government

Date: 2016 November 15

Press release by the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT)

A new report by the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) documents ongoing, widespread Burma Army abuses in Kachin areas of northern Burma over the past year, since the National League for Democracy (NLD) was voted into power.

“A far cry from peace” describes ongoing practices of arbitrary arrest, torture and extrajudicial killing of civilians across Kachin and northern Shan State, amid intensified military offensives against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). In the twenty-one torture cases documented – involving at least nine Burma Army battalions — villagers were tied up, blindfolded, kicked, hit with guns, had bamboo rolled on their shins, and were stabbed with knives. Six men and two women have also been killed or disappeared.

Large groups of villagers have been arbitrarily detained, homes deliberately set on fire, and shells fired indiscriminately into civilian areas, causing death and injury of children, and leading to fresh displacement.

KWAT highlights how the Burma Army continues to block justice in cases of past military sexual violence, including the rape-murder of the two Kachin teachers and the sexual assault of a 73-year-old Kachin widow last year.

“The patterns of Burma Army abuse and impunity are the same as under the previous government, and the fighting is even worse,” said KWAT spokesperson Moon Nay Li. “The NLD’s peace rhetoric is a far cry from the reality in northern Burma.”

KWAT is calling urgently for the NLD government to pressure the Burma Army to end offensives throughout the country so that inclusive political dialogue can begin, and to lift restrictions on humanitarian access to the over 100,000 IDPs sheltering in the north of the country.

KWAT is also urging the international community to end all military to military engagement with the Burma Army, and ensure that peace funding is not skewed in favor of the government.

The full report can be viewed on www.kachinwomen.com

Contact persons:
-Shirley Seng (+66 (0) 869-238-854)
-Moon Nay Li (+46 (0) 762-612-783, +66 (0) 855-233-791)
-Seng Zin (+95 (0) 9 458 430 254, +86 (0) 131-8757-5759)
Email: kwat.secretariat@gmail.com

Briefing Paper: Challenges to Repatriation

The Burma Army has targeted and attacked ethnic groups for nearly 20 years, thus leading them to flee their country and seek refuge in foreign countries. Read more

From Conflicts to Peace: Human Rights and Transitional Justice Workshop Kicks off the Asia Pro Bono Exchange

The field of human rights in a region as large as Asia is an ambitious topic to cover in a one-day workshop. With the support of numerous partners including Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Community Legal Education Initiative (BABSEACLE) and the United Nations Office of the High Commission on Human Rights (UNOHCHR) held such a workshop in Bali, Indonesia on August 29, 2016. AJAR and the organizers focused on specific areas of human rights in Asia and leveraged the experience and expertise of highly respected presenters. With this exciting and engaging session BABSEACLE, AJAR, UNOHCHR and other partners kicked off the 2016 Asia Pro Bono Exchange.

The Workshop began with AJAR Founder Patrick Burgess sharing lessons on transitional justice. For Patrick, transitional justice answers the question “what do we do?” after a violent conflict. Some might say the best thing is to do nothing; just move on and deny the past. But this is not true transitional justice. Effective and genuine transitional justice uses tactics such as prosecutions, truth and reconciliation tribunals, policy reform and reparations to rectify the past while allowing an affected community to move towards a brighter future. Each of these tactics has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, prosecutions may be highly desirable to hold perpetrators of humanitarian crimes accountable. However, they are often politically difficult to pursue in national courts and particularly in international courts.

The next session tackled the issue of gender and human rights. Sarala Emmanuel from Sri Lanka discussed her experiences and challenges faced in investigating, documenting and challenging sexual violence. In Sri Lanka, Sarala Emmanuel encountered “structural sexual violence”: a culture of extreme discrimination and antagonism towards women that continues with impunity. Galuh Wandita of AJAR added to the discussion by emphasizing that conflict will always take on special gendered implications for women. She offered the case study of Angela from Timor-Leste who survived assault and rape during the conflict with Indonesia. Angela’s case was the only instance of a successful conviction of rape as a crime against humanity in the post-World War II era. Despite this legal victory, Angela continues to live in poverty and struggles in her day-to-day life. This case served as a reminder to all participants that our duty to clients as pro bono advocates goes beyond formal legal procedures; we must do what we can to provide survivors with the services they need to live meaningful lives.

Participants at the workshop were next treated to a high-level discussion from United Nations representatives Heisoo Shin, Liza Sekaggya, Nahla Haidar, and Tae-Ung Baik. These panelists shared the role various UN bodies play in shaping the human rights system at the global level and how this affects human rights realization at the local level. In order for international human rights mechanisms to have any impact, there must be strong partnership between national human rights institutions, law enforcement, civil society, grass roots organizations and many other sectors.

The workshop closed with a session on the ‘Stolen Children’ of Timor-Leste. During the conflict between Timor-Leste and Indonesia which began in the mid-1970s, thousands of Timorese children were taken from their families by the Indonesian military and sent back to various parts of Indonesia. This was a tremendously traumatic experience for the children and their families. The conflict between the two countries raged for decades and most of the children have never been able to return to see their biological families. AJAR began a program to help reconnect the Stolen Children of Timor, now adults, with their parents, siblings and other relatives. The participants also had the chance to watch a short film documenting the first visit of the stolen children back to Timor. It was a tremendously moving experience, not just for the native Timorese captured on film, but for all the workshop participants watching their story.

By Maxwell Abbott, CLE/Legal Support Officer, BABSEACLE