Entries by ND Burma

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Mission to The Hague: Defending the Indefensible?

By AUNG ZAW 22 November 2019 The news has sent shockwaves through the Myanmar public: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will travel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to contest an accusation of genocide, and lead the country’s legal defense team. The decision was welcomed with excitement by a majority of social media […]

Letter from Jail: Members of poetry troupe in Myanmar

Letter from Zeyar Lwin and Paing Ye Thu members of the Peacock Generation in Myanmar Seven members of the Peacock Generation—Kay Khine Tun, Zayar Lwin, Paing Pyo Min, Paing Ye Thu, Zaw Lin Htut, Su Yadanar Myint and Nyein Chan Soe —were arrested in April and May 2019 after they performed Thangyat, a traditional performance […]

In Myanmar, Courts Increasingly Used to Silence Criticism of Military and Govt

By SAN YAMIN AUNG 1 November 2019 YANGON—Activists, human rights defenders, journalists and ordinary citizens face a growing threat of imprisonment for voicing opinions critical of the Myanmar army and government. Laws that criminalize various types of expression have been used to put several critics of the government and military—especially those who challenge the military-drafted 2008 Constitution […]

AA Claims Ignorance After Brutal Murder Video Goes Viral

The Arakan Army will investigate the source of a viral Facebook video showing the brutal murder of a civilian, a spokesperson for the group said Wednesday. The Tatmadaw, meanwhile, accused the AA of committing, filming and sharing the murder to terrorize and control local populations. “We have never made propaganda,” Tatmadaw spokesperson Col Win Zaw […]

Young Myanmar satirists jailed for one year after poking fun at military

30 October 2019 Five performers were sentenced to one year in prison at a Yangon court today for poking fun at the military in a satirical play over the Burmese New Year. Peacock Generation troupe members Kay Khine Tun, Zayar Lwin, Paing Pyo Min, Paing Ye Thu and Zaw Lin Htut have already spent months in […]

Myanmar: Military atrocities ‘relentless and ruthless’ in northern Shan State

Amnesty International has gathered fresh evidence that the Myanmar military is continuing to commit atrocities against ethnic minorities in the north of the country, with civilians bearing the brunt of offensives against multiple armed groups. The conflicts show no sign of abating, raising the prospect of further violations. A new report, “Caught in the middle”: Abuses […]

Justice Newsletter August-September 2019

Seeking Justice in Burma August-September 2019 Summary Report: Throughout August and September, human rights violations were committed against the backdrop of peace negotiations, particularly in northern Shan, Rakhine and Kachin states. Despite reports that the Burma Army and armed groups agreed ‘in principle’ on a draft ceasefire at the beginning of September by the end […]

ND-BURMA: A Significant and Substantial Increase in Documented Human Rights Violations in the First Six Months of 2019

ND-BURMA: A Significant and Substantial Increase in Documented Human Rights Violations in the First Six Months of 2019 18 September, 2019 For immediate release As the conflict escalated in Rakhine State and continued in the north and northeast of Burma, from January to June 2019, ND-Burma and its member organisations documented a substantial and significant […]

Human Rights Situation in Burma(2019 January – June)

Our latest human-rights report is now available in English and Burmese online. The report is a collection of data from our members which details abuses from January to July 2019. Among our observations, there was a 360% increase in the number of documented human rights violations in the first six months of 2019 compared to […]