What is Transitional Justice Asia Network (TJAN)?

What is Transitional Justice Asia Network (TJAN)? #TransitionalJusticeAsiaNetwork, or #TJAN for short, is an Asian regional hub of transitional justice experts, which aims to facilitate learning and knowledge building on transitional justice and accountability initiatives across the region.

Members of TJAN consist of Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), The Commission of Disappeared and Victims of Violence – KontraS Aceh (Indonesia), Alternative Law Groups – ALG (Philippines), Cross Cultural Foundation – CrCF (Thailand), Suriya Women’s Development Centre (Sri Lanka), Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma – ND Burma (Thailand), Advocacy Forum (Nepal), Association Chega ba Ita – ACbiT (Timor Leste) and Liberation War Museum (Bangladesh).

The microvideo series #TransitionalJustice in Asia is produced by TJAN to commemorate the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims.