Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar Bulletin

Message from the Head of the Mechanism
The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (hereafter, “the Mechanism”) is up and running and working to fulfil its mandate to collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse evidence of serious international crimes and violations of international law committed in Myanmar since 2011. Since I took up my mandate on 1 July 2019, the Mechanism has recruited over half of its approved positions, with more staff arriving every month. We have received the materials collected by the International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar (FFM) and initiated discussions with governments, non-governmental organisations, academics, other United Nations entities, businesses and technical experts who we believe may have evidence and information that can shed light on the crimes within our mandate. The Mechanism has also been building the necessary cooperative frameworks with key actors, including information providers, establishing internal protocols necessary for conducting fair and independent investigations in a complex environment and devising investigative strategies. The Mechanism aims to use the latest expertise and technologies that will assist in carrying out complex investigations.

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