Myanmar to free more than 8,000 prisoners in New Year amnesty

YANGON (Reuters) – Myanmar began releasing more than 8,000 prisoners on Tuesday on humanitarian grounds under a presidential pardon, with most of those being released convicted of drug offences but with 36 people classified as political prisoners among them.

Newly released prisoners, part of over 8,000 inmates granted amnesty by Myanmar’s President Win Myint to mark Myanmar’s new year, walk out from Insein prison in Yangon, Myanmar April 17, 2018. REUTERS/Ann Wang

The pardon, signed by newly elected President Win Myint, coincides with Myanmar’s traditional new year celebrations and was aimed at promoting peace and the joy of the people, his office said in a statement.

“To bring peace and pleasure to people’s heart, and for the sake of humanitarian support, 8,490 prisoners from respective prisons will be pardoned,” the Presidential Office said.

Dozens of prisoners were set free later on Tuesday from Insein prison in Myanmar’s main city of Yangon, greeted at the gates of the colonial-era jail by scores of relatives and friends.

“I’m happy for this amnesty but I’m sorry for the other prisoners left behind,” said Saw Wah Lay, a member of a political party affiliated with an ethnic Karen insurgent group, the Karen National Liberation Army.

He said he had spent 13 years in Insein jail after being sentenced to death and a 95-year prison term for murder and other charges.

“I hope they will be released soon because some of them are facing unfair charges without having done anything wrong,” he told reporters.

Two Reuters reporters, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, jailed in Myanmar were not included in the amnesty, according to Min Tun Soe, spokesman of Myanmar Prisons Department, citing ongoing legal proceedings against them.

Newly released prisoners, part of over 8,000 inmates granted amnesty by Myanmar’s President Win Myint to mark Myanmar’s new year, walk out from Insein prison in Yangon, Myanmar April 17, 2018. REUTERS/Ann Wang

A court in Yangon has been holding preliminary hearings since January to decide whether the pair will be charged under the colonial-era Officials Secrets Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison.

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has made ending years of war between government forces and ethnic minority insurgents her top priority but the releases announced on Tuesday did not appear to include a significant number of people convicted for links to insurgencies.


More than 6,000 of those being released were sentenced on drug charges, government spokesman Zaw Htay said on his Facebook page.

He did not identify any of those being released but said nearly 2,000 were members of the military and police, jailed under the Military Act or Police Disciplinary Act. He did not elaborate.

Zaw Htay also said 36 prisoners on a list issued by the human rights group Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) were included in the amnesty.

Hundreds of political prisoners have been released from Myanmar’s jails in amnesties in recent years, including dozens freed in April 2016, days after Nobel laureate Suu Kyi’s party took power following nearly 50 years of strict military rule.

Before Tuesday’s pardon, there were 240 political activists jailed or awaiting trial in Myanmar, the AAPP said.

“This amnesty is very good news and we welcome and support it,” said a representative of the group, Aung Myo Kyaw.

“But there should not be a single political prisoner in a democratic country,” he said.

Slideshow (6 Images)

Suu Kyi, who spent years under house arrest, has said that releasing all remaining political prisoners was a top priority.

She has faced criticism at home over slow economic growth and the stuttering peace process.

Her government has also faced mounting international condemnation over a military operation against Rohingya Muslims that has sent nearly 700,000 members of the minority community fleeing to Bangladesh, according to U.N. figures.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Twitter on Monday she had met representatives of Reuters and prominent human rights lawyer Amal Clooney to discuss efforts for the release of the two Reuters reporters “jailed for doing their job”.

“Freedom of press & rule of law are the bases that democracies are built on & we hope Burmese authorities will realize the importance of this release to the int’l community,” Haley wrote.

Clooney has joined the legal team representing the two reporters, her office said last month.

A Reuters spokesperson confirmed the meeting and said the company would continue to do all it could to secure the release of the two reporters.

ND-Burma’s 2017 report on the human right situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses

Seeking justice in Burma 

ND-Burma’s 2017 report on the human right situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses

ND-BurmaND-Burma 2017 report on the human rights situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses released its 2017 report on the human rights situation, which found that ongoing conflict between the military and ethnic armed organisations has resulted in continued abuses against non-combatants, predominantly by state security forces. The military continues to block civilian attempts to seek justice through pay-offs, efforts to confuse or deceive victims through complicated military administrative procedures, and direct threats.

The press release can be found here in English and here in Burmese.

The report can be found here in English and here in Burmese.

March also saw our partner Asia Justice and Rights release a report examining the ongoing impact of human rights violations on women survivors. The report was co-produced with ND-Burma member theTa’ang Women’s Organisation and our Reparation Working Group member the Vimutti Women’s Organisation. The report can be found here in English and here in Burmese, with a video featuring survivors’ testimonies here.

Former child soldier sentenced to two years in jail for speaking about his experience;
Trial of Ta’ang legal advisor continues despite weak case against him  

A former child soldier was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for giving an interview about his experience of being forcibly conscripted by the Burma army. He was charged under section 505(b) of the Penal Code, which criminalises statements “likely to cause fear or alarm to the public”. Ko Aung Ko Htwe could be facing further charges for reportedly standing on a copy of the 2008 Constitution in protest at his arrest. A link to the interview that landed him the sentence can be found here. Human Rights Watch published a detailed description of the case here.

Photo: Ko Aung Ko Htwe arrives at Yangon’s Dagon Seikkan Township Court in September 2017 (Steve Tickner for Frontier Magazine)

Meanwhile the trial of Ta’ang legal advisor Mai Myo Aung continued despite three witnesses saying he had not been present at the shooting for which he is being investigated. Mai Myo Aung’s next hearing is on 6 April – this will be the 10th hearing in this case.

Burma army clashes with Karen armed group after violating ceasefire terms, hundreds displaced; 
Government to provide over 120m kyats to Karen IDPs;
Civilians killed and tortured by Burma army in Shan State

Armed clashes occurred between the Burma army and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) – a signatory to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). According to the Karen Peace Support Network,fighting erupted after the Burma army entered KNLA-controlled territory without receiving prior permission and started to build a military road, dig trenches, and erect barracks. This violates the terms of the NCA and led to some 2,000 people fleeing the fighting. Local leaders of the besieged area signed a petitionto State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi calling on troops to immediately withdraw and end road construction.

The government said it would provide over 120m kyats in funding to IDPs in Myaing Gyi Ngu IDP camp in Karen State. The Department of Social Welfare said 1,117 people would receive 100,00 kyats each and 76 households would receive 200,000 kyats.

In Shan State, a local NGO documented the murder of two civilians and the torture of another by Burma army soldiers.

Burma’s new President says his government will bring democracy and human rights;
Commander-in-Chief says people should stop “inciting hatred” against the military

Burma’s President U Htin Kyaw stepped down from his post, citing health reasons. U Win Myint was elected as the country’s new President and vowed in his inauguration speech that his government would“try its best, with full impartiality, to bring about democracy and the respect for human rights that our people long for.”

The army reiterated its commitment to preserving section 59(f) of the Constitution, which indirectly bars Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from assuming the presidency. The military’s unofficial political arm, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), claimed it has been the victim of “democratic bullying” by the NLD and says it was ok to label the party “nationalist.” The military’s Commander-in-Chief warned that people are “inciting hatred” against the army despite the fact that it is continuously taking steps to ensure the country enjoys “eternal peace”.

Upper house of parliament approves amendments to tighten protest law;
Government considers law restricting work of international organisations and aid groups;
Parliament approves $7.8m body to monitor internet

The upper house of Parliament approved a tightening of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law, which has been criticised by rights groups for being used to jail activists. The amendments include one revision which could result in imprisonment for “anyone who instigates, tempts or persuades others intentionally or knowingly [joins a demonstration] to disrupt national security, the rule of law, tranquility and public morale”. The bill will now return to the lower house, from where it will pass to the President to be signed into law unless there is objection from MPs.

The government is also considering a Draft Law on International Non-Governmental Organizations, which would give it greater oversight over the work of international organisations and NGOs. An interview with an NLD spokesperson on the law can be found here. The parliament also approved a $7.8m body to monitor the internet for people who use it to “harm the stability” of the country.

UN investigators find strong evidence of “crimes under international law” in Burma and call for transitional justice;
Burma worst country for humanitarian aid access

The Chair of the UN Fact Finding Mission, tasked with investigating allegations of human rights violations in Burma, said the evidence investigators had collected pointed to “crimes against humanity” having been committed by government security forces. After describing harrowing accounts of victims, he said:

“The road to peace may be long and painful, but it is achievable. It starts with acknowledgment – acknowledgement of people’s existence, their identity, their suffering, and their human rights. It must be accompanied by remedies – action to restore to the extent possible, to compensate, and to bring justice. Both are necessary to prevent further violations.”

The UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar also released her report on the human rights situation and called for accountability for perpetrators of mass abuses. The report describes in detail the situation in the country and should be read in full here. The UN human rights chief echoed the call for accountability. An EU-sponsored resolution at the UN Human Rights Council extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur was rejected and the government said the General who ran the operations in Rakhine State was being investigated alongside other members of the security forces.

Humanitarian aid groups in Burma face the most difficulties reaching people in need, according to a study.

Former political prisoners open new museum in Yangon; March sees 248 political prisoners in jail or awaiting trial

ND-Burma member the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) opened a new museum in Yangon documenting the struggle of current and former political prisoners. According to AAPP’s records, there were 248 political prisoners in Burma at the end of March, with 54 serving time and 194 awaiting trial.

Photo: AAPP’s new museum, March 2017 (AAPP)

Majority of Burmese see legal system as tool to control society

A survey conducted by the My Justice legal NGO found that two thirds of people view the law as a means of controlling society, as opposed to protecting individual rights. An informative breakdown of the result can be found here.

Here a helpful interactive tool from local NGO The Ananda to understand how laws are made in Burma.

Military obstructs political Panglong preparations of latest ceasefire signatory;  
Clashes continue between two armed groups in Shan State

The New Mon State Party (NMSP), one of two groups to sign the NCA in February this year, has beenprevented from holding public consultations by the military, which has led to the NMSP having to cancel the national-level political dialogue it planned to hold on 6 April. Public consultations are a way for signatory groups to get local input before holding national-level political dialogues, which then feed into the Panglong peace sessions.

The other armed group to sign the NCA in February, the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), said it would try toestablish a Lahu self-administered zone.

Two rival armed groups in northern Shan State have clashed throughout March, displacing hundreds and killing two civilians. The Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army – South (RCSS/SSA-S) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) have had armed clashes since 2015, when the RCSS/SSA-S signed the NCA, and fighting has intensified in recent months.

IDPs who were displaced by fighting between the Arakan Army and government forces two months ago started to return to Burma.

Nearly 2,000 Karen villagers demonstrate against planned dam on Salween River; 
Hundreds protest lack of payment for land confiscated for pipeline in Rakhine State

Villagers in northern Karen State protested against a proposed dam project on the Salween River, saying it would harm the natural beauty of the area and negatively affect livelihoods.

Some 600 protesters in Rakhine State demanded compensation for land that had been confiscated as part of the $2.5 billion Sino-Myanmar Shwe pipeline and deep-water port project, a part of China’s wider “Belt and Road” initiative

Three Burmese human rights defenders receive EU prize

Cheery Zahau, Daw Khin Than Htwe and Ko Swe Win received the EU’s Shuman Award for human rights.Ko Swe Win, who is the Editor of Myanmar Now, said upon accepting his award that only the promotion of human rights could stop growing intolerance and hostility in society.

Government and private sector establish ethnic association to spur economic development;  
Irrawaddy regional government to pay for Chin national day

The Ministry of Ethnic Affairs together with the private sector established the Myanmar Ethnic Entrepreneur Association to promote economic development in the country’s ethnic regions.

The Irrawaddy regional government has said it will fully finance the 2019 Chin national day celebrations in line with Article 13 of the Ethnic Rights Protection Law. Chin national day is held on 20 February every year and was financed by donations in 2018.


ND-Burma is a 16-member organisation whose members represent a range of ethnic nationalities, women and the LGBTI community. We have been documenting human rights abuses and fighting for justice for victims since 2004.

  1. Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – Burma

  2. Human Rights Foundation of Monland

  3. Kachin Women’s Association – Thailand

  4. Ta’ang Women’s Organization

  5. Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization

  6. Tavoyan Women’s Union

Affiliate members

  1. All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress

  2. Chin Human Rights Organization

  3. EarthRights International

  4. Equality Myanmar

  5. Lahu Women’s Organization

  6. Pao Youth Organization

  7. Human Rights Defenders and Promoters

  8. East Bago – Former Political Prisoners Network

  9. Progressive Voice

  10. Kachin Development Networking Group

ND-Burma 2017 report on the human rights situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses

ND-Burma 2017 report on the human rights situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses

30 March 2018

For Immediate Press Release

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The 18th Anniversary of AAPP and Photo Exhibition

On March 23, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) held a ceremony commemorating the 18th Anniversary of AAPP and introducing a new exhibit entitled “The Memory of the Past – Photo Exhibition”. Diplomats, Ambassadors Parliament representatives, international non-governmental organization officials, former political prisoners and guests attended the event, held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

UPR Report Drafting Workshop with the Burma/Myanmar UPR forum

UPR Report Drafting Workshop was commenced on Esperado Hotel with the Burma/Myanmar UPR forum for 3 days starting from March, 15 to March 17,2018 which take lead by Equality Myanmar.

During this meeting, Ma Cherry (The Researcher) analyze the report submitted by the different organization on their identify thematic issues and discussed about the required data or information to the report as accordingly. U Aung Myo Min, Executive Director of Equality Myanmar, has also taken the lead in the discussion by stating that he will meet with Myanmar Human Rights Commission and will discuss about the UPR midterm Report and Media report which are some of the activities that will be happening in the future.

AAPP Monthly Chronology February and Current Political Prisoners list

In February 36 people were arrested, 28 by the Kachin Independence Army, while eight civilians were arbitrarily arrested by authorities for alleged bombings in Sittwe City, Arakan State. Nine people were charged in February five under the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Act and four under charges related to Section 58 (a) and (i) of the Counterterrorism Law. Nine people were sentenced this month, including former child soldier, Aung Ko Htwe, under Section 228 of the Penal Code, and eight villagers from Shan State. The eight villagers were sentenced under charges relating to unlawful use of a firearm; unlawful use of a walkie-talkie, illegal import of a vehicle; and attacking the military. Three people were released in February one Arkanese man had charges under Section 17/1 and 17/2 of the Unlawful Associations Act dropped, while another, charged under Section 505 (b) and (c) of the Penal Code, finished his sentence. Finally, Lawyer Ko Zaw Win, charged under Section 420 of the Penal Cold, was released after time served.

On February 22, Deputy Information Officer for the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Khaing Myo Htun, was released after 18 months behind bars, nine of which were due to detention during trial. He was sentenced under charges related to Section 505 (b) and (c) of the Penal Code for releasing an ALP statement accusing the Military of human rights abuses in Arakan State. The statement included allegations of extrajudicial killings, as well as forced labor. While we celebrate his release, we condemn the authorities for his pre-trial detention, as well as the charges under which he was arrested because of the breach to his freedom of expression (protected under ICCPR Article 19). Due to its vague wording and criminally punitive nature, Section 505(b) is frequently used to criminalize peaceful freedom of expression and imprison political dissidents and activists. In February, Arakan State police arrested eight individuals, including Former Political Prisoner, Naing Soe, in connection with an ongoing investigation into the recent bombings in Sittwe, Arakan State. Remotely detonated on February 24, the bombs targeted the home of a State Government official, the local high court, and a land records office. According to Naing Soe’s lawyer, police filed charges under Section 50[a] and [i] of the Counter-Terrorism Law, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. All eight will remain detained until their March 12 hearing.  Due to last month’s protests, regional tensions in Arakan State are already very high; it is, therefore, extremely unfortunate for the Government authorities to continue arbitrarily arresting and restricting freedom of expression of ethnic minority groups.  Throughout February, AAPP observed the implementation of much-needed prison reforms. According to prison officials, at least 100 inmates from Hpa-An Prison, Myeik Prison, Insein Prison, and Ohbo Prison will sit for the matriculation exam in March. Since 2006, Insein, Ohbo, and Tharrawaddy Central Prisons have offered educational opportunities to those incarcerated. Starting this academic year, however, all inmates across the country will be eligible to apply for the exam. Further, Ohbo Prison will offer a free accounting certificate course for male and female prisoners who have at least a matriculation-level education.

While these reforms are necessary and encouraging in helping Burma’s prisons reach international standards for education requirements, this does not mean these standards have been reached. According to Principle 8 of the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners (Basic Principles), the Government has the responsibility to create conditions that will enable prisoners to reintegrate back into society and the country’s labor market upon release. Further, Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (SMRs) 77 stipulates that provisions must be made to ensure prisoners are able to pursue further education. In addition to a lack of education standards, Burma’s prisons do not meet international standards in other ways due to severe overcrowding. According to AAPP’s calculations, the average Burmese prison was overcrowded by 79.3% in 2017, and the numbers have stayed stagnant thus far through 2018. Overcrowding is problematic because it leads to unsanitary living conditions and communicable diseases. SMR 13 calls for adequate bathing and showering installations, while Basic Principle 9 calls for access to adequate healthcare. Overcrowding, however, leads to direct a violation of all these regulations, and according to AAPP and the UN, is a form of torture.


●●●“Poor prison conditions have led to chronic diseases and ongoing illnesses for many former prisoners. Advocacy groups, AAPP included, call on the Government to bring prisons up to international standards.


The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) has taken notice of this epidemic and issued an open letter to the president to lobby on behalf of prisoners in an effort to ease the extreme overcrowding. According to MNHRC Commissioner, Yu Lwin Aung, 46 percent of prisoners are incarcerated under unduly long drug charges and should be released. The letter also mentions releasing female prisoners, the elderly, and prisoners with disabilities. Political prisoners were not among those listed due to the lack of an accepted definition on the Ministry of Home Affairs’ part of what constitutes a political prisoner. Although it is good that the MNHRC has lobbied on behalf of prisoners it is extremely unsatisfactory that the Commission failed to mention the release of all political prisoners or call on the Ministry to accept a definition for these individuals. AAPP, therefore, demands the Ministry of Home Affairs swiftly accepts AAPP’s definition of political prisoners, and release the 24 individuals who are currently repressed due to political activity. In an additional finding, according to the MNHRC, prison authorities beat more than 20 prisoners at Min Gone Prison, Hlegu Township, Rangoon Division when they attempt to flee during arrest, as well as when they get into fights amongst themselves while incarcerated. Injuries for prisoners included broken teeth and head injuries. Authorities demanded prisoners to work with an outside brick-making business; however, the MNHRC said the prisoners should do agriculture work and not the outside work. MNHRC additionally reported on the poor sanitary conditions found throughout Burmese prisons.
Unsafe and unclean prisons conditions have led to chronic diseases, ongoing illnesses, and many mental health issues for many former prisoners. For this reason, many advocacy groups, AAPP included, continue to call on the Government to bring prisons up to international standards. On February 3, 88 Generation students, 96 Generation students, and former political prisoners opened the Healthcare Centre Political Prisoners at Kar Taw Mi Road, Dagon Myothit 6 Ward, Rangoon to help those seeking treatment for diseases induced by the poor prison standards. Although former political prisoners have called on the Government, there is not enough political will in the current administration to bring a full prison reform overhaul at this time. While piecemeal reforms are good, AAPP reminds the Government of their international obligations as a United Nations (UN) member state to ensure all peoples within their borders live with dignity and respect, an obligation that has not been upheld in the prison system.

In February, the National League for Democracy (NLD) Government announced they will uphold promises to amend the 2008 Constitution before this term is over. In late 2016, the current Government promised to prioritize amending the 2008 Constitution, and, according to NLD Party Central Committee Member, Aung Soe, is continuing to work toward this goal. Despite this promise, demonstrations continue across the country. On February 3, Pyay Township, Bago Division residents gathered to call for the Constitution’s abolishment and rewriting because, according to protest leaders, it was written in secret without consultation from citizens. Following these protests, 100 protesters gathered in Paungde Township, Bago Division to again call for the abolishment of the Constitution. Protesters said they will hold another demonstration in the western Bago soon.

On February 1, Naung Naung and Lay Lay (A.K.A San San Win) attended their first court hearing. Charged under Sections 505(b) and 153 of the Penal Code, they were arrested in January for allegedly standing on a piece of cardboard made to look like a copy of the 2008 Constitution during a protest. They have been detained at Insein Prison, while the other four are evading arrest. Arresting individuals involved in peaceful protest is a violation of Article 21 in the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In addition, pre-trial detention, a commonplace mechanism used in the Burmese penal system, should only be used as a last resort, as it arbitrarily takes away an individual’s freedom (contravening ICCPR Article 9), and leads to issues such as overcrowding when used too frequently. Further, the arbitrary arrest and detention of these individuals reveals that the Government has little intention of working with individuals who call for the abolishment of the Constitution and use peaceful means to communicate their beliefs.

In February, mental health practitioners urged the Government to address the need for a national comprehensive mental health care plan. According to psychiatrists, the current system, enacted in 1912, does not address the needs of the country. Although a new bill has been discussed since 2013, it has not yet made it to Parliament; however, there is little political will to change the current system. As a country that has inherited trauma from past colonial and Military rule, mental health must be paramount in the peace and reconciliation process for Burma. As former political prisoners and their families are frequently victims of trauma, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety, AAPP began its mental health program to fill a gap in the rehabilitation schemes for prisoners upon release. Now, AAPP’s Mental Health Assistance Program (MHAP) has expanded to address the needs of former political prisoners, migrants, refugees, trafficked persons, and domestic violence survivors through professional counseling. To adequately help these groups of people, AAPP urges the Government to update outdated mental health laws and work closely with civil society organizations who have expertise in these issues. Updating mental health policies, and ending the stigma surrounding mental illness, will help Burma move toward upholding its responsibilities under the International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (citing Article 12), a document the Government ratified November 2017.At a February 13 Parliament meeting, MPs voted on reforms to the current drug law. On February 15, the President signed and released the law to the public. According to the reforms, drug users will not go to jail, but will instead carry out community service hours. AAPP is encouraged that the Government has started to reform the current drug law and will no longer send users to jail but urges the Government to release the extremely high number of drug users who continue to carry out unreasonably long sentences in prisons across the country.  The unreasonably long sentences drug users are faced with exacerbates already existing issues within Burma’s prison system. Overcrowding remains a main issue and incarcerating drug users worsens this because, as mentioned in a recent MNHRC report, the largest numbers of inmates are serving time due to drug related cases. Overcrowding leads to health issues, poor and unsafe living conditions, and, as mentioned above, is a human rights abuse. Less punitive sentencing with a focus on rehabilitation and community service efforts is not only in line with international standards, but also will address the overcrowding issues.

In February, AAPP tracked the continued crackdown on protests from authorities. Further, this month the Government has taken steps toward making peaceful assembly even more difficult for politically active individuals. According to a proposed amendment to the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Act (PAPPA), protesters may soon be required to inform authorities of the projected cost, and funders of protests before being allowed to demonstrate. An additional proposed amendment would include a prison sentence of up to three years for “provoking or exhorting others to organize or participate in demonstrations” through bribes with the intention of disrupting the peace and rule of law of the community. If passed, these will be the third round of amendments for the act.

These proposed amendments are extremely alarming, completely contradictory to international standards, and is a step backwards for the democratically-elected Government. Peaceful assembly is protected under Article 21 of both the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the ICCPR and should under no circumstances be a criminal offense. Further, the strict stipulations for protesting that are included in this round of amendments, as well as the existing restrictions, such as requiring permission to hold a protest, contravene basic international standards. As a UN member state, Burma is obligated to comply with these international standards. AAPP, as it has in the past, urges the Government to work with civil society groups to amend this flawed piece of legislation to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.  Section 19 of the PAPPA continued to be used throughout February to silence political activists. Police opened a case against five protesters under Section 19 of the Act in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division for holding a protest without permission. Residents were protesting two companies for previous land confiscation and compensation issues. AAPP urges authorities to stop arresting and charging individuals under Section 19 of the PAPPA due to its vague wording and, as mentioned above, urges the Government to re-evaluate the Act as it continues to lead to countless arrests, and only allows protests after permission is granted.  To move toward a new era in Burma’s democracy, the PAPPA must be rewritten to ensure civil and political rights are able to be realized throughout the country without fear of prosecution.

In addition to restricting freedom of assembly through Section 19, in February, trial continued for a demonstrator and lawyer associated with the 2014 National Education Law protests, with charges brought under the Penal Code. Although the NLD closed the student protesters’ case when they came to power, Lawyer Khin Kyaw Kyaw and student protester Than Htike are still being prosecuted by Tharrawaddy Township, Bago Region for insulting a public officer on duty, under Penal Code Section 228. Punishment under Section 228 calls for a maximum six months’ imprisonment, a maximum fine of K100,000 (US$75), or both. Further, Khin Kyaw Kyaw’s license will be revoked if she is found guilty. Since September 2015, they have appeared in court 52 times. The two have been subject to an unduly long trial, contravening Article 9(3) of the ICCPR, and AAPP calls for the immediate end of their trial and that the case be closed. In addition to a crackdown on protests and peaceful assembly, authorities continued to close the space for freedom of expression by targeting journalists and the media. The two arrested Reuters Journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, were denied bail at their hearing earlier this month, and continue to be remanded in Insein Prison. Arrested under the Official Secrets Act, their ongoing trial has revealed contradictory details. AAPP reminds the Government of its obligations to protect freedom of expression, as required by Article 19 of the ICCPR. Journalism and the pursuit of information in a free society is never a crime; however, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been treated like criminals before their trial has even finished. Their pre-trial detention is not in line with international standards, and their trial has revealed the arbitrary nature of their arrest, which violates ICCPR Article 9. We again call for their immediate and unconditional release.

In connection with the Reuters case, authorities have continued to target media who report on matters sensitive to the State by filing charges against 7Day Daily due to a recent article claiming the Vice-President ordered lawsuits against Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo. In accordance with Article 21 of the News Media Law, Rangoon Division Police sent a complaint letter to the Myanmar Press Council. The above-mentioned Article states that parties can lodge complaints with the council if “any member of the news media violates the law’s ethics.” According to the police’s leaked letter, 7Day Daily published misleading information about the reason for the suits, added subjective commentary to their article, and failed to accurately report the testimony of the plaintiff, Lieutenant Colonel Yu Naing. While it is prudent for authorities to have policies in place to protect against ethics violations, much of the time charges have been lodged against individuals reporting matters sensitive to the state, or contradictory to state interests. Freedom of expression and free press ensure that all views and opinions are protected from prosecution, which has not been the case in Burma. Although the country is now under democratically-elected leadership, many of the policies are reminiscent of the long military dictatorship. For Burma to move forward in its democratic journey policies legislation must be updated and must be applied in a democratic way. According to MNHRC member Yu Lwin Aung, a quarter of the complaint letters the Commission received in 2017 regarded Government and Military confiscated lands. Original owners filed complaint letters by demanding the return of their lands from the Township Management Committee, Land Department, and Village Land Department as these groups received the land, but they have not returned it. Yu Lwin Aung also stated that land disputes between landowners were among the most complaints.

This month, the Upper House attempted to help landless citizens by confirming an amendment to Section 5 (A) of a law that allows landless citizens the right to work on a small amount of land that are vacant, fallow and virgin for agriculture and husbandry. Farmers can apply directly to related departments. Although farmers in Sagaing Division, Irrawaddy Division, and Karen State all reported land compensation given this month for previously confiscated lands, many more have not fared the same.

Sagaing Division

On February 2, the Sagaing Division Government Group gave compensation to 18 farmers for the first time after permission was granted from the National Government in Monywa Township. 20 years ago, the Electric Implement Department and Sub-Investigate Department had confiscated land from farmers for the Tan Men Ti hydroelectric project at Alon Taung, Kwan Village, Monywa Township. There are now only 70 cases left to solve from the original 1000 cases. According to the Central Land Investigate Group, the rest of land issues will be resolved by August 2018. While it is good that the Government has given, and will continue to give, compensation for confiscated land, the decades-long wait for recourse is now unreasonable under the Government’s new obligations as a ratifying member of the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights (ICSECR). Article 6 of the Convention protects the right to work for all citizens in a manner of their choosing. This Article, however, has been breached by the Government as farmers lost land, and their livelihoods of choice, 20 years ago, and have only recently received proper compensation.
Farmers in Laungmin Village, Homelin Township are dealing with destroyed lands due to waste from illegal gold mining operations near the township. When farmers reached out to local township authorities in December 2017, there was no response. Due to destroyed land, farmers have had to take agricultural loans from the Government of up to K150,000 (US$112.50), but have been having trouble repaying them due to lack of work. 108 of the 120 farmers in the township have had land destroyed since the operations started. The Government has a positive obligation to protect the right to work and the livelihoods of all citizens, which has not happened in Laungmin Village. Although Governmental loans are helpful to help farmers stay afloat, it has now caused difficult stress on farmers. AAPP calls on the Government to ensure there are reasonable work opportunities for all farmers.

Download link for Month In Review 

Download link for Monthly Chronology February Chronology 2018 Eng

Current Political Prisoners list Febuary 44 Remaining PPs Updated on Feb 28, 2018

Facing trial from inside prison and outside prison list Feb 196 facing trial list updated on Feb 28, 2018 (Updated)

66 (D) list 66 (D) total list(new) Updated

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Ko Tate Naing Secretary +95(0) 94280 23828
Ko Bo Kyi Joint Secretary +95(0) 9425 038840