Entries by ND Burma

Men Detained by Myanmar Army Show Signs of Abuse While in Custody in Rakhine State

Nine civilians detained by the Myanmar military on suspicion of attacking an army column appeared on Tuesday in court in war-ridden Rakhine state’s Mrauk-U township, with two of them accusing soldiers of torture and rights abuses while in custody, their family members and a rights group said. Myo Hein Swe and Soe Maung Than, residents […]

There Is No One Who Does Not Miss Home

This animation was released on World Refugee Day – 20 June 2019 – to coincide with the launch of a report on protracted displacement due to armed conflict and related human rights violations. The report – ‘There Is No One Who Does Not Miss Home: A Report on Protracted Displacement Due to Armed Conflict in […]

Burma/Myanmar: End Marginalization of Displaced Ethnic Communities

[Yangon – 20 June, 2019] Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) must be recognized as equal citizens, adequately consulted and be able to meaningfully participate in all decision-making processes concerning their future to ensure that they are not further marginalized, said 15 local Myanmar/Burma civil society organizations in a new report released today – which coincides […]

Seeking Justice in Burma (May 2019)

Seeking Justice in Burma  May 2019 The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) announced a ceasefire with the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP); a new Amnesty International report accused the Burma Army of war crimes in Rakhine State since January; and freedom of expression continued to be stifled as media organizations and journalists were targeted […]

Reuters journalists Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo receive Pulitzer

Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, the two Reuters journalists who were jailed in Myanmar for more than 500 days after they were convicted of breaking the Official Secrets Act, received their Pulitzer Prize for international reporting on Tuesday in New York City from the Pulitzer Prize Board. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). Reuters

Justice New Letter (April)2019

Seeking Justice in Burma  April 2019 Efforts to draft amendments to the military-drafted 2008 Constitution continued to draw opposition and support; Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for coverage of violence in Rakhine State; and freedom of expression continued to be stifled as media organizations received threats and defamation suits […]

Myanmar frees Reuters journalists jailed for reporting on Rohingya crisis

Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have spent more than a year in jail after being accused of breaching Official Secrets Act Two Reuters journalists imprisoned in Myanmar for their reporting of the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims have been pardoned and released after spending more than 500 days in jail. Wa Lone, 33, and Kyaw Soe […]