Entries by ND Burma

Myanmar army columns merge in Sagaing to carry out raids following resistance ambush

Three columns join to form a 300-soldier unit that assaulted a Wuntho Township village, killing a woman and an infant Two civilians, including an 18-month-old child, were killed during a Myanmar army raid in northern Sagaing Region’s Wuntho Township on Sunday, according to a member of an anti-junta guerrilla force active in the area. The […]

Junta air force repeatedly bombs Sagaing Region village

The Myanmar military launches days of consecutive airstrikes on Moe Tar Lay village in Katha Township Battles between resistance forces and the military followed a series of junta airstrikes launched on Friday in Katha Township, northern Sagaing Region, according to local sources. Allied guerrilla groups ambushed a Myanmar army column of more than 70 soldiers […]

Human Rights Situation weekly update (January 15 to 21, 2023)

Within January 15 – 21, the Military junta did 6 times airstrikes in Sagaing, Magway Region, Kayin state. They used 500 lb burning bombs that destroyed houses and civilians. They relocated 700 prisoners and 3 political prisoners from Insion Prison to others. 2023 Jan 15 to21(EE)Infogram

Military destroys historic church, more than 100 houses in Catholic village

Junta forces have razed most of the village, including a century-old place of worship, in a series of raids and arson attacks carried out over the past year Regime troops torched a 129-year-old Catholic church and most remaining houses in the predominantly Catholic village of Chan Thar in Sagaing Region last week—their fourth arson attack […]

HRW Urge ASEAN Chair Indonesia to Pressure Myanmar on Violence

BANGKOK, THAILAND —  Indonesia is under increasing pressure to use its new one-year role as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to isolate Myanmar’s junta in a bid to end its bloody crackdown on pro-democracy opponents, analysts say. But experts say reaching a consensus among the regional bloc remains a challenge in […]

Human Rights Situation weekly update (January 8 to 14, 2023)

“Weekly Social Media Monitoring by Spring Archive” (January 8 to 14, 2023) Military air-strike 6 times at Chin, Kayin and Shan state from January 8 to 14. They also arrested at least 20 people of CDM staffs and political activists in Hsipaw, Lashio, Kyaukme in North Shan state. Military junta was announced again by the […]

Myanmar: Abuses Mount Since Military Coup

ASEAN Countries Should Adopt Tough Sanctions against Junta (Jakarta) – Myanmar’s junta has been responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity since the military coup in February 2021, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2023. The security forces have been implicated in mass killings, arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, sexual violence, and attacks on civilians in conflict […]

Seven civilians killed in junta raids on central Sagaing villages

The remains of most of the victims, including two elderly men in their 80s, were burned almost beyond recognition Regime forces have killed at least seven civilians since late last week in a series of raids targeting villages in central Sagaing Region, according to local sources. On January 6, a junta column of around 100 […]

Pathein Prison inmates face new abuses in wake of recent unrest

The wife of a political prisoner connected to the outbreak of violence at the prison late last week has also reportedly been targeted Political detainees inside Pathein Prison in Ayeyarwady Region have been hit by new restrictions following a recent outbreak of violence, according to a source close to the prison. On Monday, prison guards […]