Entries by ND Burma

Even Though I Am Free I Am Not: The need for the campaign in 2015

Even though I am free I am not. This was the message the groundbreaking 2010 photography campaign sought to convey to the world. The message that the burgeoning road to freedom in Burma would be forever blocked while political prisoners remained. Freedom is not solely liberation from prison. It is also the need for a […]

Harvard war crimes report puts spotlight on transitional justice

Paul Vrieze, Yangon, International Justice Tribune, No 171, 3 December, 2014 A recent independent report finds three senior military officers could be held responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by Myanmar army personnel during an offensive against ethnic armed groups in the east of the country. Last month, the International Human […]

Workshop on Memorialization

Impunity Watch and ND-Burma held a two-day workshop in Chiang Mai on the subject of Transitional Justice efforts in Burma. The workshop was in preparation for a five-day exchange of ideas for upcoming workshop, with the meeting being attended by a varied number of organizations including: 1. AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners) 2. Burmese […]

Human rights abuses still ‘rampant’ in Burma: Report

An alliance of rights groups revealed on Thursday that they have documented 103 cases of human rights abuse in Burma since the start of 2014. A 21-page report by the Network for Human Rights Documentation-Burma (ND-Burma), released on Thursday, claimed that violations are still “rampant” in conflict areas as well as in territories currently under […]