Workshop on Memorialization

Workshop on Memorialization

Impunity Watch and ND-Burma held a two-day workshop in Chiang Mai on the subject of Transitional Justice efforts in Burma.

The workshop was in preparation for a five-day exchange of ideas for upcoming workshop, with the meeting being attended by a varied number of organizations including:

1. AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners)
2. Burmese Women’s Union (BWU)
3. Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT)
4. Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma (ND Burma)
5. 88 Generation Peace and Open Society
6. Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)
7. Karen Women’s Empowerment Group (KWEG)
8. Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR)
9. Forum Asia (Notes)
10. Facilitators from GIZ and KDK

The attendees spent the two days discussing concepts and principles of Transitional Justice, Memorialization efforts and Truth Seeking process. The facilitators from Cambodia introduced the participants to Transitional Justice efforts currently being undertaken in Burundi and Guatemala and then went into more detail about the Cambodian context. This preceded a discussion on the current situation in Burma and the work currently being carried out in the country and on the border.

The workshop was an excellent opportunity for different groups to meet and discuss these concepts, whilst recognizing the Transitional Justice work currently being carried out in Burma. The participants contributed many excellent ideas and ambitions for the future, ideas which will be carried over into the upcoming exchange. This exchange will further cement the ideas and opinions that were discussed in Chiang Mai and will seek to enhance Transitional Justice efforts in Burma.

ND-Burma would like to extend our thanks to the participants and the facilitators for a very enjoyable and informative workshop.