The followings are ND-Burma’s press releases, statements and information releases published.

On World Refugee Day, end the ongoing armed conflict, human rights violations and humanitarian crises in Myanmar

Joint Statement, 19 June 2020 On World Refugee Day, end the ongoing…

ND-BURMA: A Significant and Substantial Increase in Documented Human Rights Violations in the First Six Months of 2019

ND-BURMA: A Significant and Substantial Increase in Documented…

Undermining Trust Building: Human Rights Situation During the Northern Ceasefire

Undermining Trust Building: Human Rights Situation During…

ND-Burma’s bi-annual report finds intensification of conflict led to continued deterioration of human rights in Burma

Throughout 2018, ND-Burma found that the human rights situation in Burma continued to deteriorate due to the intensification of conflict between the military and ethnic armed organisations (EAOs). This was particularly the case in northern Kachin and Shan states, and the majority of cases documented by ND-Burma’s member organisations originated from these two states.

YOU CANNOT IGNORE US: Victims of human rights violations in Burma

For Immediate Release (Yangon - 16 October, 2018) Victims…

ND-Burma’s bi-annual report finds human rights situation deteriorating across the country 

ND-Burma’s bi-annual report finds human rights situation deteriorating…