Two new groups sign nationwide ceasefire, one citing intense government pressure
Seeking Justice in Burma
Two new groups sign nationwide ceasefire,…

January Justice newsletter: Civilians killed and thousands displaced in Shan and Kachin; mass graves confirmed in Rakhine; protesters killed; landmine victims on the rise…
Seeking Justice in Burma
January 2018
Conflict ramps up…

ND-Burma December justice news: Mon rights organisation details 22 years of rights abuses in Mon state and clear demands for justice from government; Conflict ramps up in Shan and Kachin; Ta’ang lawyer arbitrarily arrested and tortured; Reuters journalists on trial…
Seeking Justice in Burma
December 2017
New ND-Burma member…

ND-Burma November Justice news: Pope calls on Burma to respect justice and human rights; 14-year-old boy arrested and tortured; journalists jailed; protest ban in Yangon, and more…
November 2017
Pope calls on Burma to commit to justice and respect…

ND-Burma October Justice newsletter: Ethnic leaders lambast stalled peace process; Kachin and Rakhine rights defenders jailed; no progress on Rakhine, and more….
Seeking Justice in Burma
October 2017
Ethnic leaders…

September Burma justice news: Rakhine, former child soldier faces jail, land rights, ten year anniversary of Saffron Revolution, and more.
Seeking Justice in Burma
September 2017
Crisis in Rakhine…

August Justice newsletter
Seeking Justice in Burma
August 2017
ND-Burma’s documentation…

ND-Burma July Justice newsletter
Seeking Justice in Burma
July 2017
UN human rights envoy…

ND-Burma June Justice newsletter
Seeking justice in Burma
June 2017
ND-Burma calls on…

ND-Burma launches Justice newsletter
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