Press Release: Regarding Stated Execution of 4 Sentenced to Death Political Prisoners

June 6, 2022
On June 3, 2021, the junta council announced they intend to carry out the execution of death row detainees Jimmy (aka Kyaw Min Yu), Phyo Zayar Thaw, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw, heretofore given by military courts. Though announced, information regarding the status of the military court, location of the trials, and specific information on the nature of the trial, were not given to family members of each of the condemned political prisoners. The junta council has been destroying every facet of the judicial system in Burma.
Since the beginning of the coup, the junta council has been killing people across the country, burning towns and villages, as well as looting and stealing belongings of the people every day. The council’s statement on the execution of the political prisoners violates domestic, and international law, and is a blatant attempt to audaciously murder.
The execution announcement openly mocked the worlds’ efforts to abolish capital punishment. This calculated act uses political prisoners as hostage, to threaten a population resisting the military coup. As well as to bargain with international actors, who put pressure on the junta council to return democracy to Burma. The UN and others in the international community bare responsibility to help prevent the use of hostages in unjustified executions.
In accordance with our organizations belief that there can only be a true national reconciliation when there are no incarcerated political prisoners, we see the recent statement as a junta attempt to challenge and destroy future national reconciliation, including the stability of our country.
A junta council working to carry out an execution like this, is an unforgiveable act, and clear proof of utter disregard for the will of the international community who wish to return Burma to democracy, as well as to ASEAN who wish to resolve the issue through the 5-Point Consensus.
Therefore, we, the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP), strongly urge all at the UN, ASEAN and other international actors to take a stand and put political pressure to halt the announced executions.
Assistance Association of Political Prisoners
Download link for 06.06 AAPP Release on Recent Death Penalty Statements