Human Rights Situation weekly update (April 15 to 21, 2023)

Military Junta troops launched an airstrike from April 15th to 21st in Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Chin State, Kachin State, and Kayin State. They committed incidents targeting Civilians in an airstrike by dropping 500lbs bombs and targeted the Regional Hospital where civilians are cured. The head of the Prison Department is committing Human Right Abuses such as beating and torturing the Political Prisoners in Thayet Prison, Magway Region. Around 100 civilians including 90 people from Hpakant were arrested and used as human shields by Military troops.

People were forced to escape in some areas of Myanmar because of the Military junta troops marching, raiding, burning civilian properties, arresting, torturing, and killing. Over 300 civilians from the Kawthaung province, Thanintharyi Region  and local residents nearby  Myawaddy township, Karen state fled to Thai-Burma Border caused by the Military’s junta artillery attacks.