Entries by ND Burma


Feb 07 2018 Washington, D.C. ­– The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today passed legislation authored by U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Ben Cardin (D-MD), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to impose targeted sanctions and travel restrictions on senior Burmese military officials responsible for human rights atrocities […]

Over 150 villagers forced to flee after fighting in Kutkai

By Mizzima On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 Clashes between the Myanmar army and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in eastern Myanmar’s Shan state have forced more than 150 residents of the town of Kutkai to flee to safety to Theinni town, RFA has reported. Hostilities between the TNLA and government military and occasional clashes between […]

Northern Burma/Myanmar: Global Kachin Appeal for UN Members’ Action

Northern Burma/Myanmar: Global Kachin Appeal for UN Members’ Action Stop War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity February 6th, 2018 In response to a coordinated militant attack on August 25, 2017, the Burmese government security forces launched a military campaign in western Burma/Myanmar. This resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, killing thousands and displacing over half […]

U.N. concerned about heavy fighting in Myanmar’s Kachin state

(This version of the Feb 2 story removes incorrect reference in paragraph 5 that the KIA is part of the ethnic Chinese Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army) By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) – Conflict between Myanmar’s army and guerrillas of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in northern Myanmar has escalated since Jan. 19, including in […]

Myanmar Soldiers Sentenced for Killing 3 Civilians in Kachin

A Myanmar military tribunal has sentenced six soldiers to 10 years in prison for killing three civilians in the war-torn state of Kachin, officials said Saturday, in a move welcomed by rights groups. The Kachin state police office said the tribunal handed down the sentence after finding the soldiers guilty of killing three ethnic Kachin […]

Three years of uncertainty over murder of Kachin school teachers

19 January 2018, Rangoon   Three years of uncertainty over murder of Kachin school teachers The recent military’s admission of extrajudicial killings paves the way for further acknowledgements of human rights violations committed by its troops On the three year anniversary of the rape and murder of two Kachin schoolteachers in Shabuk Kawng Kha, Kachin […]

9 People Reported Dead After Police Crackdown on Protest in Mrauk-U

By MOE MYINT 17 January 2018 YANGON — A police crackdown on a protest in northern Rakhine State’s ancient city of Mrauk-U on Tuesday night left at least nine people dead and 12 severely wounded by gunfire, according to a local lawmaker. U Tun Thar Sein, who represents Mrauk-U (1) in the state Parliament, spoke with The […]

Incitement trial against former child soldier will continue, judge rules

Hopes that the judge presiding over a controversial court case involving a former child soldier would drop the incitement charge brought against him were dashed on Wednesday as the magistrate in Yangon’s Dagon Seikkan Township decided to allow the prosecution to proceed. The former child soldier Aung Ko Htwe, his lawyer and family members had […]

More Than Words: Apologies as a Form of Reparation

1/27/2016 Official public apologies are an important element of a transitional justice policy. As a form of symbolic reparation, an apology is a formal, solemn and, in most cases, public acknowledgement that human rights violations were committed in the past, that they caused serious and often irreparable harm to victims, and that the state, group, […]