Entries by ND Burma

Sagaing residents say they face discrimination under Myanmar junta

The northwestern region is where the fiercest armed resistance to the military regime is. Burmese citizens with national registration cards indicating they reside in northwestern Myanmar’s Sagaing region face travel restrictions and other forms of discrimination under Myanmar’s ruling military regime because they hail from the part of the country with the greatest armed resistance […]

At least six burned bodies found in Myanmar’s Magway region village

More locals, junta troops and PDF members are believed to have been killed in fighting around Myaing Township. Two days of fighting between junta troops and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) in central Myanmar’s Magway region ended with the grisly discovery of charred bodies scattered across a village. Locals told RFA that at least six burned […]

Weekly Udate 27 Jun – 3 July 2022

The resistance is thriving but they need more support. Upon the rise of pro-junta militias is a greater threat to civilian safety and security which must be met with urgency. The National Unity Government must be supported with funds which would ensure PDFs and EROs are well equipped as they defend their communities and fight […]

Military detains three more lawyers representing junta opponents in Mandalay

Like other attorneys targeted before them, they were arrested after leaving their clients’ hearings in Obo Prison Junta authorities arrested three more Mandalay-based lawyers representing political detainees on Wednesday as they returned home from court hearings inside the city’s prison, according to sources within the local legal network. The detainees—identified as Tin Win Aung, his […]

Survivors haunted by Myanmar army massacre in Sagaing

Eyewitnesses to the brutal killing of 28 civilians in Ye-U Township recall a junta attack that was found to have been documented by the soldiers themselves No one will stay in the eastern parts of Mone Taing Pin anymore, where locals claim that dogs howl without provocation, putrid odours materialise and vanish, and shadowy figures […]

Junta troops kill 9 unarmed civilians, including 4 teens, in war-torn Sagaing region

The group was detained while enroute to receive medical training in a nearby township. Junta troops in Myanmar’s embattled Sagaing region captured and killed nine unarmed civilians, including four teenagers, as they traveled to receive medical training, according to an official from their group and a family member of one of the victims. The nine […]


The Honorable Penny WongMinister for Foreign Affairs,Parliament House,Canberra ACT 2600 29 June 2022 Open letter to Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong from 688 civil society organisations Re: Urgent change of course and action needed on Myanmar Dear Minister Penny Wong, We, the undersigned 688 Burma/Myanmar, regional and international civil society organisations, welcome your appointment as […]

Almost 100 Civilians Tortured to Death by Myanmar Regime Since Coup

Myanmar’s military regime has tortured to death at least 95 people in interrogation centers and prisons since last year’s coup, said rights groups who called on the international community to help end the junta’s atrocities. Among those tortured to death were National League for Democracy officials and members, student activists, young resistance fighters, peaceful protesters, […]

Almost 100 Civilians Tortured to Death by Myanmar Regime Since Coup

Myanmar’s military regime has tortured to death at least 95 people in interrogation centers and prisons since last year’s coup, said rights groups who called on the international community to help end the junta’s atrocities. Among those tortured to death were National League for Democracy officials and members, student activists, young resistance fighters, peaceful protesters, […]

Weekly Update 20 jun – 26 Jun 2022

#ASEAN has failed the people of #Myanmar – again. ASEAN has had multiple opportunities to lead with integrity and discipline while responding to the multiple crises in Myanmar. Instead, they have turned their backs on principles of democracy and made excuses for the authoritarian tyrants who single-handedly derailed prospects for peace in the country.