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Bitter pills Breaking the silence surrounding drug problems in the Mon Community

June 20, 2013 I.    INTRODUCTION In late 2012 the New Mon State Party (NMSP) initiated a vigorous anti-drugs campaign throughout various Mon communities in Burma.1  Arrests of numerous drug smugglers were made, drug-using youth were sent to NMSP rehabilitation centres, and signs were erected in villages calling on residents to resist and combat drug use.

Pushed to the Brink: Conflict and Human Trafficking on the Kachin-China Border

The Burmese government’s renewed war against the Kachin has exponentially increased the risk of human trafficking along the China-Burma border.

Bitter pills Breaking the silence surrounding drug problems in the Mon Community

June 20, 2013 I.    INTRODUCTION In late 2012 the New Mon State Party (NMSP) initiated a vigorous anti-drugs campaign throughout various Mon communities in Burma.1  Arrests of numerous drug smugglers were made, drug-using youth were sent to NMSP rehabilitation centres, and signs were erected in villages calling on residents to resist and combat drug use.

Pushed to the Brink: Conflict and Human Trafficking on the Kachin-China Border

The Burmese government’s renewed war against the Kachin has exponentially increased the risk of human trafficking along the China-Burma border.