Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Myanmar Military Detains Soldiers Filmed Beating Rakhine Civilians

NAYPYITAW—The Myanmar military will take action against its personnel who were involved in the beating of five Rakhine civilians after it verified a viral video that captured the assault, military spokesman Brigadier-General Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy. “That case is true. We have verified it. We have detained those involved [in the beating],” the military spokesperson […]

April Justice Newsletter

April Justice Newsletter Health and human rights are interconnected and access to affordable and quality health care for all must be granted. As COVID-19 exposes Burma’s underfunded and ill-equipped health infrastructure, the health ministry has transformed public spaces to be used for quarantine sites and temporary medical facilities. However, concerns about the spread and containment […]

Myanmar Military Detains Soldiers Filmed Beating Rakhine Civilians

NAYPYITAW—The Myanmar military will take action against its personnel who were involved in the beating of five Rakhine civilians after it verified a viral video that captured the assault, military spokesman Brigadier-General Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy. “That case is true. We have verified it. We have detained those involved [in the beating],” the military spokesperson […]

April Justice Newsletter

April Justice Newsletter Health and human rights are interconnected and access to affordable and quality health care for all must be granted. As COVID-19 exposes Burma’s underfunded and ill-equipped health infrastructure, the health ministry has transformed public spaces to be used for quarantine sites and temporary medical facilities. However, concerns about the spread and containment […]