Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Junta forces kill 29, including three monks, in southern Shan State

The bodies of the victims were found scattered around a village monastery in Pinlaung Township on Saturday Content warning: This report contains graphic images depicting the effects of extreme violence, which may be upsetting to some readers. We advise discretion in viewing this content.  Myanmar’s military has been accused of committing another mass killing of civilians, […]

Three civilians killed in attack on army truck in Mandalay Region

Local resistance forces say they mistakenly believed that the car the victims were driving in was travelling together with the targeted vehicle Resistance forces in Mandalay Region have admitted to inadvertently killing two adults and a six-year-old child during an attack on a military vehicle earlier this week. The incident occurred on the Myingyan-Natogyi road […]

Junta forces kill 29, including three monks, in southern Shan State

The bodies of the victims were found scattered around a village monastery in Pinlaung Township on Saturday Content warning: This report contains graphic images depicting the effects of extreme violence, which may be upsetting to some readers. We advise discretion in viewing this content.  Myanmar’s military has been accused of committing another mass killing of civilians, […]

Three civilians killed in attack on army truck in Mandalay Region

Local resistance forces say they mistakenly believed that the car the victims were driving in was travelling together with the targeted vehicle Resistance forces in Mandalay Region have admitted to inadvertently killing two adults and a six-year-old child during an attack on a military vehicle earlier this week. The incident occurred on the Myingyan-Natogyi road […]