Kachin women expose ongoing Burma Army abuses under NLD government

Date: 2016 November 15 Press release by the Kachin Women’s…

AAPP (2016) Prison Conditions in Burma and The Potential for Prison Reform

Download for “Prison Conditions in Burma and The Potential…

Burma’s Covered Up War: Atrocities Against the Kachin People

At the same time as Thein Sein’s government is engaging in…

Burma Government’s Reforms Must Address Root Causes of Displacement in Ethnic Areas

August 12, 2016 By Burma Link, Burma Partnership and Human Rights…

HURFOM conducts FDI study to halt exploitation and violation in Mon State

July 30, 2016 Today the Human Rights Foundation of Monland…

HURFOM conducts FDI study to halt exploitation and violation in Mon State

July 30, 2016 Today the Human Rights Foundation of Monland…


Systematic war crimes by the Burma Army in Ta'ang areas of northern…