The followings are reports published by Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma.

Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (Jan 2012-Dec 2012)

The annual report of Network for Human Rights Documentation –…

Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (April – September 2012)

Over the period of this report, the political landscape in Burma…

Protests and Arrests Rise in November – Threatens Freedom of Expression

"Protests and Arrests Rise in November - Threatens Freedom…

Extreme Measures: Torture and Ill Treatment in Burma since the 2010 Elections

This report documents the Government of Burma’s torture and…

Human Rights Situation in Burma (March 2011 to March 2012)

The periodic report of the Network for Human Rights Documentation…

Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (January – September, 2011)

The periodic report of the Network for Human Rights Documentation–Bur-…

Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (January – March, 2011)

The periodic report of the Network for Human Rights Documentation…

Human Rights Violations in Burma’s 2010 Elections

The Network for Human Rights Documentation - Burma (ND-Burma)…

Activities Report 2009 – 2010

With OSI’s grant ND-Burma established its own Documentation…