What is the NLD Doing for Political Prisoners?

It was Jan. 4, 2018. As it was also the 70th anniversary of Myanmar’s…

Palaung Lawyer Detained After Gambling Den Shooting

By LAWI WENG 29 December 2017 An ethnic Ta’ang (Palaung)…

Myanmar Transitional Justice Issues and Initiatives

MYANMAR Transitional Justice Issues and Initiatives Introduction Socio-historical…

ND-Burma member Tavoyan Women’s Union speaks to the Coalition for the International Criminal Court about their work:

"The Tavoyan Women's Union was founded in 1995 in order to fight…

ND-Burma takes part in workshop examining role of truth in peace (Aceh, Indonesia)

ND-Burma took part in a workshop entitled “The Role of Truth…

Magyi Khon Nang Wants Justice

By NAN LWIN HNIN PWINT 18 October 2017 An ethnic Kachin woman…

Myanmar/Burma: Council adopts conclusions

The Council adopted the following conclusions on Myanmar/Burma: "1. …

Opinion: Without justice, the innocent will continue to be killed in Burma

28 SEPTEMBER 2017 Veronica Collins, ND-Burma Abuses reportedly…

Memory of Sacrifice: Memory, Justice and the Saffron Revolution

Aileen Thomson reflects on commemorations of the pro-democracy…