report, news, documentary

Transitional Justice in Asia Series – #1

Human rights defenders in Asia face many challenges. How should…

Suppressiong the Truth in Thailand : October 1976 Massacre

What happened on 6 October 1976 in Bangkok, Thailand? The massacre…

What is the situation of political prisoners in Myanmar after their release?

Political prisoners were arbitrarily arrested and tortured brutally…

There Is No One Who Does Not Miss Home

This animation was released on World Refugee Day - 20 June 2019…

Myanmar’s Killing Fields

Secret footage and eyewitness accounts shine new light on a…

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, 26 June 2016 (Burmese)

The video documentation of the International Day in Support…

Always on the Run: Internally Displaced People in Karen State

An estimated 540,000 people were internally displaced in eastern…

Shoot on Sight

Shoot on Sight: The ongoing SPDC offensive against villagers…

Flowers from Burma

“Growing poppies is not part of our traditional way of life.…