Civil Society Position Paper on ASEAN’s Goal of a Myanmar-Owned and -Led Solution
Recommendations to ASEAN and Its Member States
(1) Move beyond the 5PC to achieve a Myanmar people-led and people-centered solution to the
crisis in Myanmar. ASEAN’s “Myanmar-owned and -led” approach must be backed by genuine
political will that aligns with and supports the collective aspirations of the people of Myanmar.

(2) Cease all pressure on Myanmar’s revolutionary forces and civil society to join any processes
to engage or compromise with the illegitimate military junta, and support a locally led political
consultation process that entirely excludes the junta.

(3) End all engagements, including economic and military engagements, with the military junta
and engage formally with the legitimate representatives of Myanmar.

(4) Publicly denounce and end all support for, or plans to support, the military junta’s sham

(5) Provide humanitarian aid for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in collaboration with
legitimate stakeholders and civil society groups through cross-border channels.

(6) Join the ongoing international and Myanmar people’s efforts to hold the Myanmar military
accountable under international law for its commission of war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and genocide.