Entries by ND Burma

US Accuses Myanmar Military of ‘Planned and Coordinated’ Rohingya Atrocities

WASHINGTON — A US government investigation has found that Myanmar’s military waged a “well-planned and coordinated” campaign of mass killings, gang rapes and other atrocities against the Southeast Asian nation’s Rohingya Muslim minority. The US State Department report, which was released on Monday, could be used to justify further US sanctions or other punitive measures against […]

UK’s Hunt Says Pressed Suu Kyi on ‘Justice and Accountability’ for Rohingya

NAYPYITAW — Myanmar must ensure there is “no hiding place” for those responsible for crimes against its Rohingya minority if it is to avoid a lasting stain on the country’s reputation, Britain’s foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, said on Thursday. Hunt told Reuters he pressed Myanmar’s civilian leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, on the importance of holding […]

U.K. Says Myanmar May Need to Be Referred to ICC over Rohingya

LONDON—British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt said on Thursday that the international community should consider referring the treatment of Rohingya in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court (ICC) unless those responsible are tried and held accountable in the country. “If there is not going to be accountability and justice in Burma, then the international community needs […]

Myanmar: UN Fact-Finding Mission releases its full account of massive violations by military in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan States

18 September 2018 GENEVA (18 September 2018) – The Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar on Tuesday released the full 440-page account of the findings of its 15-month examination of the situation in three states in Myanmar. The report also makes dozens of recommendations, including to the United Nations and the international community and to […]

ND-Burma’s bi-annual report finds human rights situation deteriorating across the country 

ND-Burma’s bi-annual report finds human rights situation deteriorating across the country 11 September 2018 For immediate press release ND-Burma’s biannual report on the human rights situation has found that intense conflict between the military and ethnic armed organisations has been accompanied by a spike in the number of human rights violations recorded. In Kachin and northern […]

ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I rules that the Court may exercise jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh

Today, 6 September 2018, Pre-Trial Chamber I (the “Chamber”) of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”), composed of Judge Péter Kovács, Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and Judge Reine Adélaïde Sophie Alapini-Gansou, decided by majority that the Court may exercise jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh. […]

U.S. Embassy Statement on Conviction of ‎Reuters Reporters Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo

Today’s conviction of journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo under the Official Secrets Act is deeply troubling for all who support press freedom and the transition toward democracy in Myanmar. The American people have long stood with the people of Myanmar in support of democracy, and we continue to support civilian rule and those […]

UN must act urgently on recommendations by the International Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar

(Bangkok/Geneva, 27 August 2018) – Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Progressive Voice, Equality Myanmar, Kachin Women’s Association Thailand, and Rohingya Women’s Welfare Society welcome the findings of the Independent International Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar (IIFFMM) as a major turning point in international efforts towards justice and accountability in Myanmar.