Entries by ND Burma


I.     Executive Summary The growing optimism surrounding Burma’s political and social transitions has begun to be accompanied by ambitions to resettle displaced communities along the country’s border with Thailand. As the notion and its attendant proposals continue to proliferate, it seems timely to assess how the communities directly affected by this prospect feel about resettlement. Interviews were […]

From Persecution To Deprivation

About 60,000 Kachin villagers fleeing Burma Army attacks and persecution, who are sheltering in Kachin-controlled territory along the China-Burma border, have received almost no international aid since conflict broke out in June 2011.

Human Rights Documentation Training Manual

The Network for Human Rights Documentation in Burma (ND-Burma) is pleased to announce the publishing of the Training Manual for Human Rights Documentation Training, which is available in both Burmese and English. The manual is one of the collective efforts of the 12 member organizations of the ND-Burma. ND-Burma has been documenting the human rights […]

Human Rights Situation in Burma (March 2011 to March 2012)

The periodic report of the Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND–Burma) documents the human rights situation in Burma from March 2011 – March 2012 the period marking President Thein Sein and his government being in office. The ND-Burma periodic report provides up-to-date information on human rights violations (HRVs) and highlights pressing issues and […]

Burma’s Democratic Facade: Human Right Abuses Continued

Executive Summary In Burma (also known as Myanmar), the new President Thein Sein (former Gen. Thein Sein) has attempted to move towards democratization or a democratic transition, by establishing a dialogue with pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and allowed her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), to participate in the general elections.  […]