Entries by ND Burma

EU Issues Statement Regarding the Situation in Kachin State

The European Union Delegation in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Myanmar have issued the following statement in relation to the conflict in Kachin State. “Decades of conflict in Kachin state have displaced families, disrupted development, caused despair and left communities divided. During a three-day visit to Kachin State from 21 to 23 […]

Bulldozing Rohingya villages was not ‘demolition of evidence,’ official says

Burma has bulldozed the remains of Rohingya Muslim villages to make way for refugee resettlement, not to destroy evidence of atrocities, an official leading reconstruction efforts in the troubled northern state of Rakhine said on Monday. Last week, New York-based Human Rights Watch said it had analysed satellite imagery showing Burma had flattened at least […]


20 February 2018 Myanmar: Independent investigation into military killing of four Karenni men essential for truth and justice The Myanmar authorities must ensure an independent, impartial and effective investigation into the killing of four ethnic Karenni men by Myanmar soldiers in December 2017, Amnesty International said today. The current military investigation into the deaths cannot […]

Former political prisoners call for better health support

An organisation representing former political prisoners says they are not receiving the health care support they deserve from the government and is lobbying MPs to change the situation. By HTUN KHAING | FRONTIER FORMER POLITICAL prisoners have launched a campaign calling on the National League for Democracy government to provide care for thousands of former […]

UPR (Universal Periodic Review) Midterm Planning Meeting

“UPR (Universal Periodic Review) Midterm Planning Meeting” was held with members from Burma/Myanmar UPR Forum and some representatives from CSOs in Myanmar for three days, on 13 to15 February at Central Hotel in Myanmar. 30 representatives participated in the meeting and discussed about UPR midterm report to be submitted. Executive Director of Equality Myanmar, U […]

Massacre in Myanmar (A REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT)

How Myanmar forces burned, looted and killed in a remote village On Sept. 2, Buddhist villagers and Myanmar troops killed 10 Rohingya men in Myanmar’s restive Rakhine state. Reuters uncovered the massacre and has pieced together how it unfolded. During the reporting of this article, two Reuters journalists were arrested by Myanmar police. By WA […]


Feb 07 2018 Washington, D.C. ­– The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today passed legislation authored by U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Ben Cardin (D-MD), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to impose targeted sanctions and travel restrictions on senior Burmese military officials responsible for human rights atrocities […]

Over 150 villagers forced to flee after fighting in Kutkai

By Mizzima On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 Clashes between the Myanmar army and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in eastern Myanmar’s Shan state have forced more than 150 residents of the town of Kutkai to flee to safety to Theinni town, RFA has reported. Hostilities between the TNLA and government military and occasional clashes between […]

Northern Burma/Myanmar: Global Kachin Appeal for UN Members’ Action

Northern Burma/Myanmar: Global Kachin Appeal for UN Members’ Action Stop War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity February 6th, 2018 In response to a coordinated militant attack on August 25, 2017, the Burmese government security forces launched a military campaign in western Burma/Myanmar. This resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, killing thousands and displacing over half […]

U.N. concerned about heavy fighting in Myanmar’s Kachin state

(This version of the Feb 2 story removes incorrect reference in paragraph 5 that the KIA is part of the ethnic Chinese Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army) By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) – Conflict between Myanmar’s army and guerrillas of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in northern Myanmar has escalated since Jan. 19, including in […]