Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Opinion: Without justice, the innocent will continue to be killed in Burma

28 SEPTEMBER 2017 Veronica Collins, ND-Burma Abuses reportedly being carried out in Rakhine are the same as have been documented across the country – especially in ethnic nationality areas – since 2004, writes Veronica Collins of the Network for Human Rights Documentation in Burma. At a recent democracy forum held in Burma’s capital Nay Pyi […]

Memory of Sacrifice: Memory, Justice and the Saffron Revolution

Aileen Thomson reflects on commemorations of the pro-democracy struggle. [This week’s posts on Tea Circle represent the start of our forum on the “Saffron Revolution,” during which we will feature submissions by those analyzing, debating, and reflecting upon the impact of Myanmar’s 2007 demonstrations, 10 years on. We will continue to accept submissions through the coming weeks, so if you […]

Opinion: Without justice, the innocent will continue to be killed in Burma

28 SEPTEMBER 2017 Veronica Collins, ND-Burma Abuses reportedly being carried out in Rakhine are the same as have been documented across the country – especially in ethnic nationality areas – since 2004, writes Veronica Collins of the Network for Human Rights Documentation in Burma. At a recent democracy forum held in Burma’s capital Nay Pyi […]

Memory of Sacrifice: Memory, Justice and the Saffron Revolution

Aileen Thomson reflects on commemorations of the pro-democracy struggle. [This week’s posts on Tea Circle represent the start of our forum on the “Saffron Revolution,” during which we will feature submissions by those analyzing, debating, and reflecting upon the impact of Myanmar’s 2007 demonstrations, 10 years on. We will continue to accept submissions through the coming weeks, so if you […]