Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Foundation for fear new report by Karen Human Rights Group 

Monumental new report by Karen Human Rights Group shows how lack of justice for decades of human rights violations in Burma has created ‘foundation of fear’ that prevents scarred communities from trusting the government or peace process.

Myanmar military admits mass murder of Rohingya

YANGON: Myanmar’s military admitted on Wednesday its soldiers had murdered 10 captured Muslim “terrorists” during insurgent attacks at the beginning of September. Local Buddhist villagers joined in the mass murder by digging the mass grave and forcing the captured men into it. “Villagers and members of the security forces have confessed that they committed murder,” […]

Foundation for fear new report by Karen Human Rights Group 

Monumental new report by Karen Human Rights Group shows how lack of justice for decades of human rights violations in Burma has created ‘foundation of fear’ that prevents scarred communities from trusting the government or peace process.

Myanmar military admits mass murder of Rohingya

YANGON: Myanmar’s military admitted on Wednesday its soldiers had murdered 10 captured Muslim “terrorists” during insurgent attacks at the beginning of September. Local Buddhist villagers joined in the mass murder by digging the mass grave and forcing the captured men into it. “Villagers and members of the security forces have confessed that they committed murder,” […]