Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Kachin Communities Worldwide Demand United Nations Security Council Urgently Refers Burma to the International Criminal Court

23rd April 2018 The Burma military broke the ceasefire with the Kachin Independence Organisation in 2011. Since then, residents of the Kachin region have endured various forms of human rights violation as well as denial of humanitarian assistance by Burmese military. Their daily lives have also become dictated by the ebb and flow of armed […]

Kachin Relative of Slain IDPs Flees After Tatmadaw Opens Case Against Her

By LAWI WENG 25 April 2018 A Kachin woman has gone into hiding after accusing the Myanmar Army (or Tatmadaw) of killing two of her family members, apparently fearing detention by the military, according to local sources in Kachin State. Kaw Awng, 45, is already the subject of legal action by the Tatmadaw. She has been charged […]

Kachin Communities Worldwide Demand United Nations Security Council Urgently Refers Burma to the International Criminal Court

23rd April 2018 The Burma military broke the ceasefire with the Kachin Independence Organisation in 2011. Since then, residents of the Kachin region have endured various forms of human rights violation as well as denial of humanitarian assistance by Burmese military. Their daily lives have also become dictated by the ebb and flow of armed […]

Kachin Relative of Slain IDPs Flees After Tatmadaw Opens Case Against Her

By LAWI WENG 25 April 2018 A Kachin woman has gone into hiding after accusing the Myanmar Army (or Tatmadaw) of killing two of her family members, apparently fearing detention by the military, according to local sources in Kachin State. Kaw Awng, 45, is already the subject of legal action by the Tatmadaw. She has been charged […]