Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Myanmar: creation of UN mechanism a step toward accountability

Today’s decision by the UN Human Rights Council to create an ‘independent mechanism’ to collect evidence of crimes in Myanmar, is a significant step toward accountability for gross human rights violations, the ICJ said. “The creation of this evidence-gathering mechanism is a welcome concrete step towards justice,” said Matt Pollard, Senior Legal Adviser for the […]

AAPP’s statement on the arrest of Nang Mo Hom by Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)

27th September 2018 It has been over one month since Nang Mo Hom, a Shan woman living in Ho Naung Ward, Namhkam City in Muse District, Shan State, was arrested at gunpoint from her home by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) on August 17, 2018.

Myanmar: creation of UN mechanism a step toward accountability

Today’s decision by the UN Human Rights Council to create an ‘independent mechanism’ to collect evidence of crimes in Myanmar, is a significant step toward accountability for gross human rights violations, the ICJ said. “The creation of this evidence-gathering mechanism is a welcome concrete step towards justice,” said Matt Pollard, Senior Legal Adviser for the […]

AAPP’s statement on the arrest of Nang Mo Hom by Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)

27th September 2018 It has been over one month since Nang Mo Hom, a Shan woman living in Ho Naung Ward, Namhkam City in Muse District, Shan State, was arrested at gunpoint from her home by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) on August 17, 2018.