Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Ethnic Lishaw accuses TNLA of kidnappings

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) is kidnapping ethnic Lishaw people for ransom, a spokesperson for the ethnic group told a press conference. Daw Khin Theint Theint Tun said TNLA members, who are ethnic Palaung, have abducted young Lishaw children and demanded millions of kyat in ransom. The Lishaw are an ethnic group living in Shan […]

Seeking Justice in Burma (February 2019)

Seeking Justice in Burma  February 2019 Union Parliament votes in favour of committee to draft amendments to the 2008 Constitution; Continued human rights violations in Rakhine State by Burma Army; Civic space for freedom of expression and freedom of assembly continues to shrink. The Union Parliament voted in favour of forming a committee to draft […]

Ethnic Lishaw accuses TNLA of kidnappings

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) is kidnapping ethnic Lishaw people for ransom, a spokesperson for the ethnic group told a press conference. Daw Khin Theint Theint Tun said TNLA members, who are ethnic Palaung, have abducted young Lishaw children and demanded millions of kyat in ransom. The Lishaw are an ethnic group living in Shan […]

Seeking Justice in Burma (February 2019)

Seeking Justice in Burma  February 2019 Union Parliament votes in favour of committee to draft amendments to the 2008 Constitution; Continued human rights violations in Rakhine State by Burma Army; Civic space for freedom of expression and freedom of assembly continues to shrink. The Union Parliament voted in favour of forming a committee to draft […]