Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Attack on Myanmar school injures 21 children

Around 20 children were injured Thursday when mortar fire hit a primary school in the northern fringes of Myanmar’s Rakhine state, an area where the military is locked in battle with Arakan Army (AA) rebels. The attack happened in Buthidaung township, one of several areas in lockdown, and it is not clear who was responsible. […]

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020 ________________________________________________________ Summary Report: New Year, New Challenges for Justice in Burma In a series of events expected to set the tone for the year, 2020 has so far shown no signs of the conflict abating, particularly in northern Shan and Rakhine States. A short video released by the Shan Human Rights […]

Attack on Myanmar school injures 21 children

Around 20 children were injured Thursday when mortar fire hit a primary school in the northern fringes of Myanmar’s Rakhine state, an area where the military is locked in battle with Arakan Army (AA) rebels. The attack happened in Buthidaung township, one of several areas in lockdown, and it is not clear who was responsible. […]

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020 ________________________________________________________ Summary Report: New Year, New Challenges for Justice in Burma In a series of events expected to set the tone for the year, 2020 has so far shown no signs of the conflict abating, particularly in northern Shan and Rakhine States. A short video released by the Shan Human Rights […]