Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Karennis hit by war and pandemic in urgent need of aid, says rebel group

The man and his son were both inside their home when soldiers opened fire nearby  A man was seriously injured after he and his 4-year-year son were shot by regime troops in a village in Chin State’s Kanpetlet Township on Sunday. The incident occurred at around 11am, when soldiers patrolling Kant Thar Yon, a village […]

Weekly Update on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar Post-Coup (August 9-15)2021

Choosing the truth over terror, five youth jumped to their deaths from an apartment building in Yangon while fleeing a chase by the Myanmar junta security forces. The junta has cremated the bodies of those who died – despite this going against the wishes of family members. Families were also reportedly not allowed to take […]

Karennis hit by war and pandemic in urgent need of aid, says rebel group

The man and his son were both inside their home when soldiers opened fire nearby  A man was seriously injured after he and his 4-year-year son were shot by regime troops in a village in Chin State’s Kanpetlet Township on Sunday. The incident occurred at around 11am, when soldiers patrolling Kant Thar Yon, a village […]

Weekly Update on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar Post-Coup (August 9-15)2021

Choosing the truth over terror, five youth jumped to their deaths from an apartment building in Yangon while fleeing a chase by the Myanmar junta security forces. The junta has cremated the bodies of those who died – despite this going against the wishes of family members. Families were also reportedly not allowed to take […]