Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Prosecuting Burmese Perpetrators of Serious Human Rights Violations in Jakarta

PRESS RELEASE: *Prosecuting Burmese Perpetrators of Serious Human Rights Violations in Jakarta* Indonesia’s Constitutional Court Holds First Hearing into Law 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court Jakarta 26 September 2022: The Constitutional Court in Jakarta has held its first hearing into whether the law governing the Human Rights Court can be changed, allowing […]

Thousands of civilians displaced by Myanmar army attacks on Khin-U villages

A junta unit attacked by the resistance with explosives returns to torch area villages, forcing locals to flee their homes Thousands of villagers have been displaced by recent military assaults on Sagaing Region’s Khin-U Township, according to local sources.  Members of the anti-junta resistance said that a 70-soldier column in western Khin-U and a 200-soldier […]

Prosecuting Burmese Perpetrators of Serious Human Rights Violations in Jakarta

PRESS RELEASE: *Prosecuting Burmese Perpetrators of Serious Human Rights Violations in Jakarta* Indonesia’s Constitutional Court Holds First Hearing into Law 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court Jakarta 26 September 2022: The Constitutional Court in Jakarta has held its first hearing into whether the law governing the Human Rights Court can be changed, allowing […]

Thousands of civilians displaced by Myanmar army attacks on Khin-U villages

A junta unit attacked by the resistance with explosives returns to torch area villages, forcing locals to flee their homes Thousands of villagers have been displaced by recent military assaults on Sagaing Region’s Khin-U Township, according to local sources.  Members of the anti-junta resistance said that a 70-soldier column in western Khin-U and a 200-soldier […]