Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Junta shelling kills two children, injures several in Myanmar’s Rakhine state

Fighting between the military and the ethnic Arakan Army is intensifying in the region. Military shelling in Myanmar’s Rakhine state over the past four days has claimed the lives of at least two children and injured several others, residents said Monday, as clashes ramp up between junta troops and ethnic insurgents following a two-year lull. […]

Child killed as military shells village during Ayeyarwady River crossing in Kachin State

A junta column fires artillery into a village in the attempted advance, but loses more than 20 soldiers to an ambush on its boats, a resistance spokesperson says A nine-year-old boy was killed when the Myanmar army fired heavy artillery into a village along the Ayeyarwady River last week in Kachin State’s Shwegu Township, according […]

Junta shelling kills two children, injures several in Myanmar’s Rakhine state

Fighting between the military and the ethnic Arakan Army is intensifying in the region. Military shelling in Myanmar’s Rakhine state over the past four days has claimed the lives of at least two children and injured several others, residents said Monday, as clashes ramp up between junta troops and ethnic insurgents following a two-year lull. […]

Child killed as military shells village during Ayeyarwady River crossing in Kachin State

A junta column fires artillery into a village in the attempted advance, but loses more than 20 soldiers to an ambush on its boats, a resistance spokesperson says A nine-year-old boy was killed when the Myanmar army fired heavy artillery into a village along the Ayeyarwady River last week in Kachin State’s Shwegu Township, according […]