Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Thematic Analysis: Women in Myanmar targeted by the military regime

November 25th is designated as “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women”. On that day, civil society Organizations including Women’s Organizations from the International community expressed their desire to stop violence in various forms of activity. The movement against violence to stop women has been called for since 1981. Yet, according to the […]

Thousands flee fighting in Myanmar’s far south

At least 10 junta troops were killed during clashes that began in southern Tanintharyi Region late last week Fighting between regime and resistance forces in southern Tanintharyi Region has forced thousands of civilians to flee and left casualties on both sides, according to local sources. The clashes began last Friday in Le Thit, a village […]

Thematic Analysis: Women in Myanmar targeted by the military regime

November 25th is designated as “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women”. On that day, civil society Organizations including Women’s Organizations from the International community expressed their desire to stop violence in various forms of activity. The movement against violence to stop women has been called for since 1981. Yet, according to the […]

Thousands flee fighting in Myanmar’s far south

At least 10 junta troops were killed during clashes that began in southern Tanintharyi Region late last week Fighting between regime and resistance forces in southern Tanintharyi Region has forced thousands of civilians to flee and left casualties on both sides, according to local sources. The clashes began last Friday in Le Thit, a village […]