Hardline monks tied to pro-junta militias in Myanmar’s Sagaing region

Residents say the monks are helping to form the groups and even…

Junta forces seize control of strategic road after intense assault on resistance stronghold

The KNDF withdrew from Daw Ngan Kar under a barrage of missiles,…

Women vow to rise from ashes to defeat Myanmar regime

In Sagaing Region, women who have lost their homes to brutal…

Regime Artillery Strikes Kill Children and Senior Citizens in Upper Myanmar

Two children and nine senior citizens were killed earlier this…

Junta forces torch villages in Myanmar’s north amid internet blackout

A series of attacks carried out on Saturday reduced one village…

Sagaing Region Internet Shut Down Amid Myanmar Junta Raids

Myanmar’s regime has cut internet access across Sagaing Region…

Villages go up in flames as junta troops, militias continue central Myanmar raids

Junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members ambush two villages in…

Myanmar Junta Planes Bomb Village Sheltering Displaced Karenni Civilians

Myanmar regime forces on Sunday used aircraft to bomb Lo Bar…

Myanmar junta troops said to have held preschoolers as ‘human shields’ after raid

A military spokesman said children were detained for their protection…

Junta soldiers burn hundreds of homes and murder civilians during rampages in upper Myanmar

One of those killed was found with severe injuries on his body,…