Human Rights Situation weekly update (April 1 to 7, 2023)

Military Junta troops launched an airstrike and dropped bombs in Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Kayin State, and Kachin State from April 1st to 7th. They burnt and killed 9 Civilians within a week. Thwaythoke, The Military’s backed militia killed a person from Chanmyathasi and 4 persons from Aungmyaythasan, Mandalay Region. 15 political prisoners were beaten and held in solitary confinement for 10 days at Thayawady prison in West Bago Region. Military Junta troops and their forces are still committing Human Right violations.

The military Junta troops extort money from the factories, workshops, and restaurants to celebrate the Thingyan Water Festival in Yangon Region. Also asked 2 villagers per village to work as securities and extort money to build the Thingyan Mandats (stage for celebrating the water festival) in Kawhmu township. The Military also arrested the youths who came out at night and blackmailed them in Taunggyi, Southern Shan State.