Human rights and transitional justice

Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for

Human Rights*

In the present report, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human

Rights (OHCHR) identifies examples of good practices and lessons learned related to

transitional justice processes in the context of sustaining peace and sustainable development,

notably Sustainable Development Goal 16, drawn from regional consultations and research

carried out pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 51/23. The examples of good

practices are victim-centred, inclusive, gender-responsive and innovative, and contribute to

an early, tangible or transformational impact on victims and affected communities. Many

have been developed by victims’ associations and grass-roots organizations, notably those

led by women, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The objective of the report is to convey the good practices presented during the

regional meetings, which are particularly applicable in challenging and adverse contexts in

which preconditions for transitional justice are absent. In those contexts, a series of initiatives

can lay the ground for future transitional justice processes and harness their transformative

potential for peace and development.

Based on the good practices and lessons learned, the report contains

recommendations, including to maximize the impact and ensure the sustainability of good

practices through their expansion, the adoption of similar measures and the provision of

dedicated support and complementary measures, as part of a holistic approach to transitional

justice that promotes truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence.