Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (July – December 2013)

The Network for Human Right Documentation-Burma (ND-Burma) is an organization that documents and reports human rights violations taking place throughout Burma. We are a watch-dog for human rights violations and are continually monitoring the human rights situation in Burma.

This report covers the second period of 2013 and focuses on 106 documented cases of human rights violations in Burma from July-December 2013. There are many serious human rights violations addressed and highlighted in this report; torture, extra-judicial killing, illegal arrests and detention, arbitrary taxation, property crimes, forced labor, trafficking, forced displacement and rape.

Undermining The Peace Process: Burmese Army atrocities against civilians in Putao, northern Kachin State

Click here to download full report [ English ].

Disputed Territory: Mon Farmers’ Fight Against Unjust Land Acquisition And Barriers To Their Progress


A.  Introduction


Over the years HURFOM has produced a number of accounts highlighting the hardships faced by Mon farmers who became victims of land confiscation or unjust land acquisition.[1]  Read more

Report on the Human Rights Situation in Burma (Jan 2013-June 2013)

Over the six months from January to June 2013, ND-Burma documented 147 human rights violations across Burma. These violations occurred in areas of armed conflict but also in areas covered by ceasefires. Read more

Bitter pills Breaking the silence surrounding drug problems in the Mon Community

June 20, 2013


In late 2012 the New Mon State Party (NMSP) initiated a vigorous anti-drugs campaign throughout various Mon communities in Burma.1  Arrests of numerous drug smugglers were made, drug-using youth were sent to NMSP rehabilitation centres, and signs were erected in villages calling on residents to resist and combat drug use. Read more

Pushed to the Brink: Conflict and Human Trafficking on the Kachin-China Border

The Burmese government’s renewed war against the Kachin has exponentially increased the risk of human trafficking along the China-Burma border. Read more