Entries by ND Burma

Kachin Communities Worldwide Demand United Nations Security Council Urgently Refers Burma to the International Criminal Court

23rd April 2018 The Burma military broke the ceasefire with the Kachin Independence Organisation in 2011. Since then, residents of the Kachin region have endured various forms of human rights violation as well as denial of humanitarian assistance by Burmese military. Their daily lives have also become dictated by the ebb and flow of armed […]

Kachin Relative of Slain IDPs Flees After Tatmadaw Opens Case Against Her

By LAWI WENG 25 April 2018 A Kachin woman has gone into hiding after accusing the Myanmar Army (or Tatmadaw) of killing two of her family members, apparently fearing detention by the military, according to local sources in Kachin State. Kaw Awng, 45, is already the subject of legal action by the Tatmadaw. She has been charged […]

The Nightmare Returns: Karen hopes for peace and stability dashed by Burma Army’s actions

On March 4th, the Burma Army began the largest and most coordinated deployment of troops into Karen State’s Mutraw (Hpapun) district since 2008. More than 1,500 Burma Army troops have now crossed into Karen National Union (KNU) controlled areas of Mutraw’s Luthaw township, breaching the terms of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and provoking multiple […]

Myanmar policeman describes ‘trap’ to arrest Reuters reporter

YANGON (Reuters) – A Myanmar police chief ordered officers to “trap” a Reuters reporter arrested in December, telling them to meet the journalist at a restaurant and give him “secret documents”, prosecution witness Police Captain Moe Yan Naing told a court on Friday. Moe Yan Naing gave details to the court of the hours leading […]

Myanmar to free more than 8,000 prisoners in New Year amnesty

YANGON (Reuters) – Myanmar began releasing more than 8,000 prisoners on Tuesday on humanitarian grounds under a presidential pardon, with most of those being released convicted of drug offences but with 36 people classified as political prisoners among them. Newly released prisoners, part of over 8,000 inmates granted amnesty by Myanmar’s President Win Myint to […]

ND-Burma’s 2017 report on the human right situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses

Seeking justice in Burma  ND-Burma’s 2017 report on the human right situation finds military continues to block justice for abuses ND-Burma released its 2017 report on the human rights situation, which found that ongoing conflict between the military and ethnic armed organisations has resulted in continued abuses against non-combatants, predominantly by state security forces. The military […]

The 18th Anniversary of AAPP and Photo Exhibition

On March 23, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) held a ceremony commemorating the 18th Anniversary of AAPP and introducing a new exhibit entitled “The Memory of the Past – Photo Exhibition”. Diplomats, Ambassadors Parliament representatives, international non-governmental organization officials, former political prisoners and guests attended the event, held from 10:00 am to 12:00 […]

UPR Report Drafting Workshop with the Burma/Myanmar UPR forum

UPR Report Drafting Workshop was commenced on Esperado Hotel with the Burma/Myanmar UPR forum for 3 days starting from March, 15 to March 17,2018 which take lead by Equality Myanmar. During this meeting, Ma Cherry (The Researcher) analyze the report submitted by the different organization on their identify thematic issues and discussed about the required […]

AAPP Monthly Chronology February and Current Political Prisoners list

In February 36 people were arrested, 28 by the Kachin Independence Army, while eight civilians were arbitrarily arrested by authorities for alleged bombings in Sittwe City, Arakan State. Nine people were charged in February five under the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Act and four under charges related to Section 58 (a) and (i) of […]