Entries by ND Burma

Human Rights Situation in Burma (July to December 2019)

ND-Burma is extremely grateful to all interviewees for their courage in speaking the truth. ND-Burma is also grateful to its member organisations and their fieldworkers who continue to gather invaluable testimonies at their own great personal risk. This report would not be possible without the work of ND-Burma members and their coordinated efforts to collect […]

February Newsletter

February Newsletter Rising tensions exacerbating conflict in Western Burma Conflict in Burma has reached a level of desperation for civilians, particularly those living in northern Rakhine State, who have been forced to flee clashes taking place almost daily.

Attack on Myanmar school injures 21 children

Around 20 children were injured Thursday when mortar fire hit a primary school in the northern fringes of Myanmar’s Rakhine state, an area where the military is locked in battle with Arakan Army (AA) rebels. The attack happened in Buthidaung township, one of several areas in lockdown, and it is not clear who was responsible. […]

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020

Seeking Justice in Burma January 2020 ________________________________________________________ Summary Report: New Year, New Challenges for Justice in Burma In a series of events expected to set the tone for the year, 2020 has so far shown no signs of the conflict abating, particularly in northern Shan and Rakhine States. A short video released by the Shan Human Rights […]

Woman Recovering in Hospital after Stepping on Landmine in Paletwa Township

(Paletwa Township, Chin State – 22nd Jan 2020) Ma Khin Lone, a woman from Nga Shar village in Paletwa Township is undergoing treatment for injuries she sustained after stepping on a landmine on 17th Jan. The incident took place just 10 days after her mother, Daw Hawih Tin received similar injuries from a landmine explosion.Ma Khin Lone […]

Arakan Army (AA) Tortures 3 Civilians in Paletwa Township

 (Paletwa Township, Chin State – 22nd Jan 2020) On 8th Jan 2020 members of the Arakan Army (AA) tortured three members of a Chin family, including two women from Kyee Lay village in Paletwa Township, having accused the family of providing information to the Tatmadaw. The AA soldiers entered the village of Kyee Lay at approx. 3 p.m. and arrested two […]

Seeking Justice in Burma (December 2019)

Summary Report: 2019 was a year of stalled and broken ceasefires against the backdrop of a faltering peace process that has failed to deliver on its much-touted promises. In place of formal talks this year were informal meetings intended to keep the momentum of peace building efforts present and engaged. Meanwhile, fighting remains active in […]

Seeking Justice in Burma November 2019

Summary Report: Important steps forward were made towards justice and accountability this month for human-rights violations committed by armed actors and security forces in Burma. The Gambia submitted a case to the United Nations highest court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), alleging Burma had violated the Geneva Convention.  State Counsellor, Aung San Suu Kyi has declared she […]