Entries by ND Burma

Pakokku man accused of funding PDF dies in junta custody

The man was in prison for more than a month before his family learned that he had been arrested and was reportedly in poor health A man who was arrested in October on charges of financially supporting the anti-regime People’s Defence Force (PDF) died in prison last week, according to a source close to his […]

More Magway villagers fall victim to marauding regime forces

At least two civilians were killed in separate incidents last week as the junta continues its efforts to crush opponents to its rule Regime forces and members of the pro-military Pyu Saw Htee group murdered at least two villagers in Magway Region last week, according to local sources. On Thursday, the charred remains of a […]

Junta forces and military-backed armed group terrorise Sagaing residents

Displaced locals from a Taze Township village say they heard the military fire both shells and guns before they saw smoke rising from the community Displaced locals from Sagaing Region’s Taze Township said they saw smoke rising from their village on Sunday morning after a clash between local resistance forces and junta troops broke out […]


New report maps out SAC war crimes in northern BurmaA new report by the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) provides evidence, including detailedmaps, of war crimes by forces of the State Administration Council (SAC) regime in Kachin State and northern Shan State during the past six months.“New Threats from the Air” reveals a new and […]

UN Security Council Demands Answers Over Myanmar’s Christmas Eve Massacre

The United Nations Security Council has called for accountability for the Christmas Eve massacre in Hpruso Township, Kayah State, in which at least 35 people, including four children and two Save the Children staff, were killed in Myanmar. Photos from a Kayah-based group showed the charred remains of bodies on burned trucks in the rural […]

At least 61 civilians killed this month in clashes in Myanmar’s remote border regions

More than 40,000 people were displaced from the fighting in Kayah and Kayin states, and Sagaing and Magway regions. More than five dozen civilians have been killed and tens of thousands displaced due to clashes between Myanmar’s military and anti-junta forces in four of the country’s remote border regions in December alone, according to local […]

Human Rights Situation in Myanmar: Post-Coup 2021 December 20-21

During the holiday season, the people of Myanmar have been denied peace and protection in their homelands. Across the country, the military junta continues to terrorize the civilian population through unlawful arrests, abductions, torture and murder. No one feels safe. In Karen State, clashes have been intensifying since 15 December between the Karen National Liberation Army […]

Seven bodies found in Ye-U village following airstrike

The bodies included two women, three men, and two that were burnt beyond recognition  The bodies of seven local people who were killed last week following airstrikes on the village of Yae Myet in Sagaing Region’s Ye-U Township were discovered on Friday. Residents of the village told Myanmar Now that the bodies included two women […]

Two civilians killed as junta offensive on Thai-Myanmar border continues

Both victims were near a camp for displaced civilians when they were killed by heavy artillery fire on Christmas day At least two civilians were killed on Saturday as Myanmar’s military continued its offensive against anti-regime forces near the Thai-Myanmar border over the Christmas weekend. The junta used heavy artillery as well as helicopters and […]

59 civil society organizations issue a statement on the massacre of Karenni people by terrorist Myanmar military junta

December 26, 2021 On December 24, 2021, Light Infantry Battalion 108 under the command of Light Infantry Division 66 of the terrorist military junta which is trying to seize power illegally, launched an offensive clearance operation near Moso Village in the western part of Hpruso Township in Karenni State, and arrested approximately 40 innocent villagers […]