Entries by ND Burma

Myanmar junta steps up use of banned cluster bombs

The US and Myanmar have not signed an international convention banning the weapons that often kill civilians. Myanmar’s junta is using internationally-banned cluster bombs to attack rebel forces in ethnic areas of the country, said residents, officials from armed ethnic groups and an international campaign working to eradicate the weapons. Cluster bombs, which can be fired […]

Dozens of political prisoners join hunger strike in Monywa

The striking inmates’ demands included the return of confiscated personal items, removal of existing restrictions on receiving care packages, and adequate medical care Wai Moe Naing, leader of the Monywa People’s Strike Committee, is among the political prisoners participating in a mass hunger strike at Sagaing Region’s Monywa Prison since last week, sources familiar with […]

International humanitarian group sacks 80 Myanmar employees amid pay dispute

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), an organisation directing humanitarian aid projects in Myanmar, terminated scores of staff striking over compensation at its office in Sittwe, Rakhine State on September 4.  Employees residing in the Rakhine State capital had requested that the Geneva-based international non-governmental organisation calculate their pay using the real market value of the […]

Human Rights Situation weekly update (September 1 to 7, 2023)

Human Rights Violations took place in States and Regions from Sep 1 to 7, 2023 Military Junta Troop arrested over 70 local civilians and used them as human shields in Sagaing Region and Mandalay Region from September 1st and 7th. 11 women who were holding Sagaing NRC number from South Okkalapa Township were arrested and […]

Military kills civilian in poor health at Sagaing Region checkpoint

Junta soldiers fatally shot a man at a checkpoint in Shwebo, central Sagaing Region on Monday as he was returning from a trip to Mandalay for medical treatment, local sources said.  The victim was Paw Tun, 60, a resident of the village of Pin Hla in Kawlin Township. He was suffering from lung disease and […]

Junta sentences Myanmar Now photo journalist to 20 years in prison

A military tribunal in Yangon sentenced a photojournalist to 20 years in prison with hard labour on Wednesday after convicting him on various charges, including sedition.  Junta soldiers arrested Sai Zaw Thaike of independent news outlet Myanmar Now in the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe on May 23, just over a week after Cyclone Mocha […]

Imprisoned labour organisers released after signing junta pledge

A group of workers and their supporters, who were arrested after demanding higher wages in the garment industry earlier this year, were freed this week after pledging not to participate in unlawful associations.  The 12 workers’ rights advocates included employees of the Hosheng Myanmar Garment Factory, employees of the Sun Apparel Myanmar factory, activists affiliated […]

Torture Inhumane Degrading Treatment

(က) နိုင်ငံတကာဥပဒေအရ ညှဉ်းပမ်း နှိပ်စက်မှုတွင် မည်သည့် အင်္ဂါရပ်များ ပါဝင်သနည်း။ ညှဉ်းပမ်းနှိပ်စက်မှုကို လူ့အခွင့်အရေးချိုးဖောက်မှုတခုအဖြစ် မှတ်တမ်းတင်နိုင်ရန်အတွက် အောက် ဖေါ်ပြပါ အင်္ဂါရပ်လေးခု ထင်ရှားကြောင်း ဖော်ပြရပါမည်။ ၁။ ရုပ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာအရသော်လည်းကောင်း၊ စိတ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာအရသော်လည်းကောင်း ပြင်းထန်စွာ နာကျင် စေခြင်း၊ သို့မဟုတ် ခံစားရစေခြင်း။ ၂။ ရည်ရွယ်ချက်ဖြင့် အနာတရ ဖြစ်စေခြင်း ၃။ ရည်ရွယ်ချက် အကြောင်းတခုခု ရှိခြင်း။ ၄။ အစိုးရ၏ လုပ်ဆောင်ချက် တို့ဖြစ်သည်။

Human Rights Situation weekly update (August 22 to 31, 2023)

Human Rights Violations took place in States and Regions from Aug 22 to 31, 2023 Military Junta Troop launched airstrikes and dropped bombs in Sagaing Region, Bago Region, Kachin State, and Kayah State from August 22nd to 31st. Military Junta arrested over 30 civilians including 2 children and used them as human shields in Kachin […]