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ND-Burma Situation Update (26 April-2 May 2021)

The power of the people continues to undermine Tatmadaw violence in their attempts to squander dissent. Despite crackdowns, night arrests and targeting of the Civil Disobedience Movement organizers, civilians are prevailing. Meanwhile, conflict in ethnic areas demands urgent attention an response. Visual update

ND-Burma Situation Update (19-25 April 2021)

Women human rights defenders, youth are facing daily threats of arrest for their activities in the Civil Disobedience Movement. Condemnation from world leaders has not stopped attacks on civilians by the Tatmadaw, as seen clearly at #ASEAN meeting when people continued to be killed in the streets as discussions took place. More in our weekly […]

ND-Burma Situation Update (26 April-2 May 2021)

The power of the people continues to undermine Tatmadaw violence in their attempts to squander dissent. Despite crackdowns, night arrests and targeting of the Civil Disobedience Movement organizers, civilians are prevailing. Meanwhile, conflict in ethnic areas demands urgent attention an response. Visual update

ND-Burma Situation Update (19-25 April 2021)

Women human rights defenders, youth are facing daily threats of arrest for their activities in the Civil Disobedience Movement. Condemnation from world leaders has not stopped attacks on civilians by the Tatmadaw, as seen clearly at #ASEAN meeting when people continued to be killed in the streets as discussions took place. More in our weekly […]