Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Deadly reprisals: regime steps up attacks on civilians in retaliation for conflict losses in northern Burma

A new briefing paper released today by KWAT provides an update of human rights violations by the regime’s security forces in urban and rural areas of Kachin State and Muse District of northern Shan State during April and May, 2021.         Download full PDF version of report in [English]

Refugees in Kayah State suffering from food shortages

A member of a local refugee relief team told Mizzima that tens of thousands of refugees in Kayah State are currently facing food shortages. Relief teams are sending food as far as they can reach but refugees West of Demawso, Daw Nga Kha Kone Thar 4 mile, Loi Nam Fa and Shan-Kayah border are out […]

Deadly reprisals: regime steps up attacks on civilians in retaliation for conflict losses in northern Burma

A new briefing paper released today by KWAT provides an update of human rights violations by the regime’s security forces in urban and rural areas of Kachin State and Muse District of northern Shan State during April and May, 2021.         Download full PDF version of report in [English]

Refugees in Kayah State suffering from food shortages

A member of a local refugee relief team told Mizzima that tens of thousands of refugees in Kayah State are currently facing food shortages. Relief teams are sending food as far as they can reach but refugees West of Demawso, Daw Nga Kha Kone Thar 4 mile, Loi Nam Fa and Shan-Kayah border are out […]