Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

At least one civilian killed as clashes in northern Rakhine continue

Heavy artillery fire and airstrikes were reported in northern Maungdaw Township following an attack on a junta base last Friday A woman was killed on Saturday as fighting between Myanmar’s military and the Arakan Army (AA) continued through the weekend in northern Rakhine State’s Maungdaw Township. May Thar Sein, 60, died after an artillery shell […]

Over 28,000 Homes Torched by Myanmar Junta Forces Since Coup

By THE IRRAWADDY 29 August 2022  Myanmar junta forces have burned down 28,434 houses in 645 locations since last year’s coup, with Sagaing Region suffering the heaviest damage, according to the independent research group Data For Myanmar.  Military regime troops have committed arson attacks in 11 states and regions, with Sagaing and Magwe regions and Chin State […]

At least one civilian killed as clashes in northern Rakhine continue

Heavy artillery fire and airstrikes were reported in northern Maungdaw Township following an attack on a junta base last Friday A woman was killed on Saturday as fighting between Myanmar’s military and the Arakan Army (AA) continued through the weekend in northern Rakhine State’s Maungdaw Township. May Thar Sein, 60, died after an artillery shell […]

Over 28,000 Homes Torched by Myanmar Junta Forces Since Coup

By THE IRRAWADDY 29 August 2022  Myanmar junta forces have burned down 28,434 houses in 645 locations since last year’s coup, with Sagaing Region suffering the heaviest damage, according to the independent research group Data For Myanmar.  Military regime troops have committed arson attacks in 11 states and regions, with Sagaing and Magwe regions and Chin State […]